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When I was younger I used to pray God to make me have nosebleeds instead of periods...Can you believe that I would rather bleed where everyone could see me vs having periods...That would have been awful

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once when i was playin a game with my friend my oldersister and her friend. We were playin an imaginary game type where we were packing stuff because we were going to our den when my sis;s friend goes'Wot if its THAT TIME OF THE YEAR'me and my friend looked at each other quizically then my friend ' oh yes i get the tissues' comes back with a kleenex.

now informed
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When I was around twelve, (I was kinda slow) I thought that sanitary napkins were for women that can't hold there bladder. I was at my relatives house joking with my uncle. I called him a big woman, and said he should not forget to get his maxi pads. I thought it was funny, but when my mom asked me what I thought they were for, and she corrected me, I actually laughed harder.

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i was one of those horrid scab picking kids. before i figured out the reality of the whole menstral thing, i thought women could make the whole thing go away if they picked a scab and bled from somewhere else. kinda like when people say they'll make you forget all about one pain by creating another for you (like stepping on your toe).

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When I was in PE in 5th grade and we had just had "the talk," I got a sudden pain in my vagina, which I later realized was my hymen randomly stretching, and I thought it was my period starting and I was freaking out and kept subtly reaching my hand to the crotch of my pants when no one was looking to feel if they were wet

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One time I saw my moms tampon string when she was naked and i thought when you become a woman that you grow a white string out of your vagina.

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When I was a kid, I used to think that a girl's period was her nipple because a nipple looked like a period!

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When I was a kid, I found out about a womans period and I thought that she would bleed through her breasts.

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When I was around 10,my mother tried to explain about menstruation, and she was on about period this, period that.It being a new word in my dictionary,the discovery channel gave me a freight, as low and behold, the pyramids of Egypt were on tele..I ran to my mother crying thinking that i was going to have one of those happening to me!

i don't think so ;)
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I used to believe that when girls began to have their period it would continue non-stop for years until they finally reached menopause. I was so upset because I didn't want to have to worry about bleeding for basically the rest of my life. Also I thought that you would also just for no reason break down and cry all the time or start laughing for no reason. Well lets just say I am old enough to know all that is not true.

Jen the Confused
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I saw a commercial on T.V when i was little and they were talking about sanitary napkins they called them "pads". I used to love to draw so I asked my mom for some cause I thought they were writing pads.

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I got my period when I was about 9. When I was on my period, and the little chucks of blood came out, I thought they were mermaids...

I'm not telling
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when I was 7 or so, my friend told me that you could die from having your period.

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When I was young I was afraid to use tampons because I thought they would get "lost" in your body somewhere

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I was about 10, and I was in the 4th grade. I saw this link on my homepage from my internet provider, and it gave this mini-picture of a girl. She was drawn up, not a real picture of a girl. It said, "When will I get my period?" At that time, my mind had just begun to understand that girls got their periods. I had known about them, but never really understood about them. I had watched a T.V. show where a girl got her period at school and it leaked through her cream-colored skirt. So, I decided to click the link and read the article. After reading it once or twice, I was horrified. I thought that once a girl got her period, she WOULD, not COULD, become pregant! After reading the article again, I realized my mistake. Thank god I realized it before I got my period!

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i used to believe that if you insert a tampon in you you would start your period... so i tried it, and was disapointed to see that i hadnt started on my period... hee hee

Emma (stupid girl)
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when i was like maybe 7 i saw some movie and it showed a girl bleeding and crying in the shower so i said whats happening to her to my friend and he said thats what happened to girls at their periods and i was like thats stupid y do they even go to the periods then?

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Before I knew about getting your period, I always thoguht that when you became 13, your pee would turn red. I thought that because I walked into the barhroom on my mom when she was flushing the toilet and I saw red. That was very interesting.... I guess

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Well, this is actually something my friend told me.
When she was 11 and in the 6th grade and I was in the 7th she went to the bathroom during lunch and saw blood in her underwear. Since it was her first time, she didn't realize what it was and ran out crying and telling everyone she was going to miss them until this girl's like what's wrong. my friend told her that she was gonna bleed to death and when the girl told her the truth she got really embarrased cause all the boys heard too.

I'm With Stupid
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When i was younger i used to belive boy's had a period too. I thought it was once only once and it meant weeing blood when i become a men. Lol

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