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When I was little I didn't even know about periods.But as I got older I heard my sister got it, I thought when you got it that you would be in a hole lot of pain.One time I asked my sister
if I hurt really bad, and she said no.

When I first got my period I was very suprised b/c I didn't even feel it.
I just noticed when I was going to the bathroom that there was blood in my underwear.

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I used to think that as soon as you got your period then you would automaticly have a baby. I don't know how i came up to that belief but i thought that since i first knew abot periods (5) and the year be4 i got my period (11) oops. I am 12 now. he he

hard headed
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i used to believe that when you got your period that it will last forever.i was afraid to put the tampones in to swim.

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Me and my friend told her little sister who is 12 that if she uses a tampon she will no longer be a virgin and she believed us!

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im in 8th grade,and the boys in our school havnt been educated yet about the female body,just the male. so some of my male classmates were discussing tampons within earshot of me. one said "dont they go up there and suck up all the blood?" and another said "no,they explode and suck up the blood"...then they turned to me and asked me,and i yelled at them and stayed out of the naive conversation and thier akward explanations

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when i was younger i belived that you had your peiod for the rest of your life!!!!!!but then my mother told me that it came once a month

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When i was about in 4th grade i finally got to talk to the "popular girl" (i later found out that she was a complete idiot) we were discussing getting boobs and stuff like then when she told me about the "period" she said that when you got your "period" that you would bleed out of your butt, your vagina, and your ear. but she said that you only got your period in the 5th grade, i recall looking over at the "5th grade table" at lunch that day, thinking that all of those girls over there dont have ear plugs on. what an idiot she was, i soon found out that thats not the way it happens, stupdid popular girl!!!!!!

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in ninth grade, on of my guy friends told me he had a tampon in his back pack and that judging by what a *itch i was being i probably needed it. i had to explain to him that pms stands for pre menstral syndrome and that you get it before your period.

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my friend told me that you cant hav a baby if you dnt have "pryamids" by this i thought she ment, trianglur boobs, wen i saw my flat chest i started to cry, bu she sed i can abortion when im older(by which she ment adoption) wen i went home ansd told my mam i was gonna hav an abortion wen i was older, she told me about periods, but i couldnt manage to sey periods, and i called them pryamids, and still thought that wen u bled, it would come out in a pyramid shaped block, lol

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I used to believe that pads were a substitute for pantiliners. Why? I don't know why. All I know is that I used to waste them by putting them on, when I didn't even need them.

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I used to belive that no-one in my class had got the period.
Because it still had not happend that a girl suddenly stood up looking terrified , and then runned out of the classroom.
And there were a lot of blood on her chair..

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When I was a child my sister told me that a period was a chocalate bar so I used to lokk for one whenever i went into a shop!

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Upon being told by her Mum that women got periods so they could have babies, my best friend (aged about seven at the time) promptly told her that she didn't ever want babies, so she straight-out wouldn't be having any periods. She's currently pregnant with her second child...

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i used to belive that periods happened to everyone!

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I use to think that pads where diapers for women who peed their pants

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i used to believe that pads were diapers for women. i am 18 and i just found out!

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I had a friend who i was staying with on her dad's lakehouse. Her dad's girlfriend brought along her kid who was like, 10. me and my friend were both 14. We both knew alll about periods and stuff. she had a tampon in her makeup bag and we were sitting in her room doing our makeup. The 10 year old Kyle, walked in and started talking to us. He was poking though her makeup bag and saw the tampon. He said "what's this?" and my friend said "lipgloss". we started cracking up when he left.

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i used to think that had to wear diapers when you were on your period

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(at age 10)
I was at school eating lunch & I thought I had a tiny leak..Well, it turns out it was me starting my period.When I went to the bathroom w/my friend,Erica,and went into the stall and checked my pants it was all brown and I thought it was poo.I screamed for Erica,I opened the stall door and told her to get my math teacher ,Mrs.Lafavers.When she came , she talked to me cause I was crying and she got the nurse.The nurse came and wrapped a towel around me.I tried to call my Granny but she was at the doctor so my cousin brittney came and picked me up.She laughed with me,not at me,about it all the way to her house.I cant beleive I thought it was poo....

i never had the talk-Allie M.
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I used to think that you kept the plastic part on the tampons when you put them in. That is why I never used to wear them. lol

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