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I used to believe that a Test-Tube Baby was a baby that had to undergo so many tests, that they had to keep it in a germ-free tube. I got several odd looks when I overheard 2 people at the airport discussing this subject, when I yelled out "I was a Test-Tube Baby- and I don't think it's funny to have to study babies!!!!" Needless to say, I've just decided to never weigh in on the subject again..... by the way, I am NOT a Test-Tube baby
I was told by a friend that after a woman had a boy she couldn't have any more kids, and since her youngest sibling was a boy and I only had a younger brother, I believed it.
When I was about 6-7 I asked my mum how I was made. She told me that she planted an apple pip in her belly button and waited for the tree to grow. For the nine month she had to lie flat on her back so the tree could grow. Once it produced fruit (babies) she had to choose the best one from the tree (me!). Apparently I used to squeak alot so she nicknamed me squeaky pip from her pip tree. Years later she had my sister and made my sister beleive that when she was inside my mums stomach she could see the world through her belly button.... just wierd.
When my mum was explaining how babies are fed through the belly button, I somehow got confused and for way too long believed that a pregnant woman spoon fed a baby through her own belly button.
i used to believe that you fell from the sky to your moms lap when you were about to be born. im so weird.
When I was really little and didn't understand babies,I thought that you bought them at the hospital for free.When my mum went had a baby,I had a lot to learn...
I used to think that if you wanted a baby, you would press your belly button, an in 9 months, (I knew that bit), out would pop a baby, .. no wonder I couldn't figure out why you had to go to hospital??
I was born at Easter and when I asked where I came from , was told I was found in an Easter egg bought for my sister Carol, wearing a silver paper nappy! I believed that for years, and still wish it were true. It`s better than being found under a cabbage!
When i was about 5 years old, my mother would go to the doctors frequently b/c she was sick. My mother said she had to go to the doctor because it was a "woman" thing and i would understand later. But i came to a conclusion that everyone was born with a penis and In order to make girls, doctors would have to chop off the male's penis so the the baby could come out b/c the hole is bigger. i guess i was wrong...
Out local department store had a toy section where the top shelf contained life-size dolls. Whenever I wasked where babies came from, my mum would tell me that people bought them from the department store. Even though I recall not quite being comfortable with the answer, I did believe it for a long time.
When I was little (5 or 6), I asked my mom how she 'made' me. After many futile attempts to get it right, I said, "Did you swallow daddy's pee-pee in your mouth?" I never got a straight answer, so I went for years thinking that women had children by drinking their husband's pee.
When I was fairly young I knew about sex, however not the vagina (I thought there was nothing there), for a long while I thought penis + breasts was sex and somehow it made a baby that came out of a woman's behind.
When I asked my mum where babies came from, she told me from the chemist (pharmacy). I believed her until I watched a kids TV show about pregnancy, and the next opportunity babies came up in a conversation (at a dinner party), I asked the same question, got the same answer then explained in great detail how babies were made, and what birth was like. I was 7, and that was the last time I was allowed at the dinner table until my teens!
From hearing vague descriptions of intercourse and the fact that there was an "egg" involved in reproduction, I somehow got the idea in my head that the "egg" emerged from the man's penis during intercourse. I would compare the size of eggs from the fridge with the circumference of my own youthful member and feel a genuine sense of dread about what I assumed would be an intensely painful process.
When I was very little and first asked about babies, my mom just said "Mommies and Daddies do a special sort of hug, like a very tight hug."
The next morning they hugged in the kitchen and I smiled, thinking, "I hope it's a girl!"
when i was younger i believed that you could breed different colour babies simply by colouring them the required colour at birth, then keeping them in a room and every person that they saw would be painted this colour. as i got a little older i realised that this was silly. you would in fact need TWO babies (1 male 1 female) they would both have to be painted at birth and constantly painted (with special paint that doesn't kill you) and kept in a room that other painted people would come in to to feed them and such. when they got to the right age, they would have babies, and they would then be painted, this would go on a few times until one of the new babies would evolve into this colour!
prove me wrong!!
i used to believe for a woman to get pregnant she had to marry then the husband has to work get money home buy her lots of food for her to eat and her stomach becomes big and a baby is inside.
i used to believe that babies come from a lady's butt and a when a pregnant lady took a dump,a baby could pop out any time.
I also believed that girls had...well...YOU KNOW.
Also,there was this one guy who my mom dated named Gary.And I thought that Gary was just my mom's friend.When mom dumped Gary,i thought that he had to go fix the military later i found out that mom and G were dating.then i thought whoever got dumped had to fix planes
I also believed that my soul was a flat transparent glowing sky blue colour thing that sorta looked like the GameFreak™ logo.
When he was 5, my daughter believed that a copule gets married and that's how they get baby #1. She was quite puzzled as to how more babies coupld happen. She asked me if they have to get married again to get baby #2.
when i was a child i used to believe that a stork brought my to my parents.
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