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I used to believe that when a man touches a woman and when he sleeps with her she gots a baby. When I was about 7(before 4 years!) my uncle touched my hair and i started to cry and scream ˝you idiot im pregnant now and i didīnt wanted to have sex!˝ When I was 8 my mom bought me a book about puberty and then I realized.
when i was little i thought that you had to have sex twice as hard to have twins or three times as hard for triplets!
When I was little, I asked my parents how babies were made. Their response was that you would pick them up on the streets. So for a certain time I actually thought that was how babies were made until I learned about it in school.
When i was small, i use to have a Baby Book. In it was a chart of my First teeth. However, at the time i thought it was because thats where i was born, out of my mothers mouth! A
A lot more painful than you would first imagine...!
My Aunt always used to tell me that babys came from the stork (as many people are told),but One day I asked her "How do you get the stork to come?" and she told me you had to call him...and as the curious kid I was asked her "HOW?!"...Ahe told me that when two people really love each other they take off their shirts and let their Belly-buttons press together to call the stork!
When i was little, i used to think that the way my mom got pregnit was that the docter gave her a pill.
When I was very young, I used to believe that women had girl babies, and men had boy babies. I mentioned that to my mom one day, and she promptly gave me "the talk" and pulled out a book about sex and pregnancy.
When my mother was pregnant with my little sister (I was 5) I thought the "baby inside of Mommy" was a little doll sized version of a 5 year old kid and my mother's swollen belly was a little two story doll house inside with wallpaper and doll furniture and the whole bit.
one time my mum toldmeh that babys came from trees....... lol i wudnt hava clue how i use to believe that.... it wasnt until i was 9 years old when i found out the truth about where babys come from..... lol jus thinking about back in the days i just realy cant beleive that i beleived her........
When i was little my mom told me that God send a flying goose to bring me to 4 the longest time i belived that and everytime my cousin will tell me that it came from my moms stomach i would cry...
My ex-boyfriend (who was in his 20's) thought just because he had twin brothers, it was without question he would father only twins. And he thought pregnancy would happen every time a man and woman had sex. Never heard of a condom or the birth control pill, obviously.
I heard my mother comment to various people that it took her seven years before she had me. I stood my ground when my statement of "my mum was pregant for 7 years" was questioned by friends.
When I wasabout 4 or 5 years old my family and i were at a church event. my mom was talking to a pregnant woman, and i asked why her belly was so big. she then rubbed her belly and said my baby is in here. From that point on I thought she was a horrible woman because she ate her baby. Now that I have kids of my own I realize how silly I was.
I always thought that all girls were born with a little tiny baby in there stomaches, and as they grow, the baby would grow with them and the girls wolud eventually get pregnent.
I've been telling my twin sister this for the longest time.
I used to think that if you look into a pregnent womens belly button you would be able to see the baby inside her tummy.
I was convinced as a kid that babies came out of a woman's belly button. My cousin and I had it all figured out. The baby breathed through a tube through the belly button and when it was grown and ready to come out, it came out through the belly button!
I was five when my mother was pregnant with my little sister. When I asked how that baby "got in her tummy", she explained to me that the daddy has a seed and puts it in the mommy and after a while a baby grows. So for the longest time I pictured my dad at a store picking out the best seed and bringing it home for my mom to eat!
I used 2 think that the female of any animal including humans could give birth to babies wheneva they wanted to without having 2 mate and have sex with a male of the same specie.
top belief!
In junior high our sex ed teacher told us that sperm could crawl up our legs and still get us pregnant, so we had to make sure to keep our clothes on, whatever the boy was doing with his "thing".
When I was little, I used to think a man got a woman pregnant just by kissing her. I remember watching tv and seeing a woman and man kissing and thinking, "Well, she's gonna have a baby!"
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