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Until *way* after I was old enough to know better, I believed my own "common sense" theory about breast milk. I thought all women had a built-in supply of powdered milk in their nipples, and just produced hot water when they had children... Like a coffeemaker.
when i was very young, i used to think that when you become a woman at age eighteen that you naturally get pregnant. I was horrified and used to cry over this cause i didnt want to have a baby.
my brother when he was 8 his mom my step mother was watching a baby story and my brother asked my stepmom " Wwwwwwwhy is that woman pooping out a baby mommy?" she told him the story
When I was six, my best friend told me how men and women have sex, and that it makes a baby. I thought that the man and the woman had to stay attached like that for the whole time until the baby came.
When I was about 2, my mom was pregnant with my sister, so I began wondering about reproduction. My conclusion was, since when a woman and a man get married they have one child, in order to have another one they had to marry again.
I used to believe that when a man and a woman get marry, then God gives them a beautiful gift that is nothing but a child. I really used to believe like this until my friend said 'without sex, no child'. I love if my believe comes true in the next Universe, just married and a beatiful gift from God is received.
i used to think that woman would get pregnant when a man would put his mouth on the woman's vagina and spit into it. The spit would than transform into a baby. After spitting, the man would than blow air into the woman's uterus (as if it were a balloon) in order to give the baby air to breathe. I thought this was the only reason a woman was so fat when pregnant. I couldn't wait until i was older and got pregnant because i came up with the idea that I could simply have a plastic tube with one end up my vagina and the baby could breathe through the tube. That way i could avoid being fat. I felt incredibly stupid when i realized the truth. i had no idea about male anatomy back then.
My mum always told me that she got me because she bought me from the baby shop.
Being a smart kid who could read at age three has it's disadvantages as well as its benefits.
When I was almost five, reading an encyclopedia that my parents had, the article dealing with pregnancy showed a cross-section diagram of a woman's interior, showing the uterus, the bladder, and the rectum. Since they were grouped in the same picture, I thought they all pertained to pregnancy.
I figured that the mother's first child grew in the uterus, the second child in the bladder, and the third child in the rectum.
Families with four children had me stumped.
Also, my little brain misread the word "muscular" and interpreted it as "musical." I thought unborn babies listened to music while waiting to be born.
top belief!
My mom used to tell me that babies are made when two people mix their genes. I thought she mean jeans, as in the pants, so for a couple years I thought that the way a man and a woman made a baby is when they take both their jeans and rub them together, then the women puts them back on and she becomes pregnat.'s sort'a logical..for a 4 year old...
When i was 9, and just heard about sexual behaviour, I was told, and believed that having sex for one hour gave you one child. Having sex for two hours gave you twins
When I was a child I went to a boarding school for the blind. We guys were trying to figure out where babies came from (with no knowledge of the female anatomy). We concluded that the husband put the sperm in his wife's anus and the baby came out her naval.
Boy was I surprised when I got older.
As a small child, I knew babies came out from the woman's body, but didn't know where. I figured it out on my own one day - I was sitting on my grandmother's lap while she was wearing a housedress. Looking down the neck of her dress, I saw only darkness. Therefore, I deduced that women developed holes in their chests, and babies came out there.
when i was about 5, i used to believe that when people where pregnant, that they only had a disease or something and their stomach would go down
I had watched a science-fiction movie where a microscopic ship was in a man`s bloodstream. Now this man kissed a woman and the ship transferred into her bloodstream. While kissing, the micro ship got to tobserve the foetus lodged in her belly (who had been there for months, thing I didn`t realise)
I then beleived then when you kiss a girl, she becomes immediatly pregnant and was dead afraid when girls wanted to play Kiss Tag with us boys.
I was prooved wrong, with great pleasure.
Now, I gotta figure out how that baby got there.
i used to believe that a baby whil;e it was growing was in the stomach of the mother...and thats where it ate from...but then i wondered where it would go to the bathroom.
top belief!
I was about 6 when my mother decided to get her tubes tied because my parents didn't want anymore kids. When she was having her operation I told evryone she was getting her tonsils tied!
When my brother and I were little, we used to believe that when ur mum eats a lot...she becomes too fat. And all the bananas she ate became legs, the pumpkins made head and all these other foods made body parts. Then mum would vomit all the junk she didn't need and she would everyday. Then the doctor had to take the baby out by opening the tummy and then peeling off the skin of all the vegetables anf fruits...bizarrae...i know
I used to think that babies came from men and women merely sleeping in the same bed.
When I was a kid, I thought that if people wanted babies, they'd have to get married, have no sex, and a baby would come on it's own. I figured out how it all worked when my family's donkeys had sex. Now, since I'm not a kid anymore, I know all about sex.
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