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I had a very close friend growing up who did not belive in human reproduction at all. she thought that you could have a baby only if you prayed hard enough and were a good person. I pointed out that there were a lot of non-Christians who were still able to reproduce.
When I was little I thought I had everything figured out, including how babies were made. I thought that once two people were marrried that the priest who mrried them would hand them over a baby. I even tried this many times with no success, yet I still believed it. My teddy was my groom, the pig was the priest, and the rest of my stuffed animals were the audience. But I never did get my baby.
When my dad was little he asked my grandma how a baby was made. She got quite flustered and simply said "A seed is planted" for several years that if you wanted a baby you had to plant it in your garden
At the age of 7 years old i used to belive that i came out of a garbage can.
When I was a kid, I never really asked my mother about where babies come from. I thought that they actually came from the stork (I used to be cartoon freak-that's where that came from). Well, when I found out that babies come from a man and a woman having sex, I was quite surprised. Talk about naivete....
I used to believe that babies were born with teeth and that was why they were fed with bottles. To nurse a baby was old fashioned, not to mention very painful for the mother. In the early sixties, in the Seattle-Tacoma region, all the babies I saw were bottle fed.
When I was about 4 or five I thought that when you wanted a baby you just prayed to god and said, Ï wanna have a baby". Then I started thinkin' that on that very day I had to decide if I wanted a baby or not. So I said to myself, "God, I want a baby, but don't make it hurt when it comes out."
I was a kinda stupid kid
when i was little i used to belive that i was realy found under a tree trunk when i was a newborn.
When I was little, I noticed that some couples would have their first kid a year after they were married. This led me to believe... you get the picture. One day, my resource room teacher and I were having a conversation. Her and her boyfriend were engaged and I said "a married couple always have their first baby a year after their married." She just laughed and said how cute I was.
When my little sister was about 4 years old, my mom was explaining pregnancy to her. My mom told her about the baby growing inside the mother, how it starts as an egg and grows into a person and then she mentioned that it grew in a sac filled with water. My little sister got a horrified look on her face and my mom, obviously worried, asked her "What's wrong?" and my sister said, "but aren't there sharks and fishes in there?"
I use to believe that my sibblings and i were all in my moms stomach at the same time, and that the only reason why they were older then me was because i was sleeping and everyone just came out befor they were just older.
i used 2 think that people made babies just by kissing each other
I used to beleive that humans were not from storks or anything else I thought that parents wrote a letter to the president and asked permission to have a kid and if granted they would flush the toilet and out came a baby, but when they took a crap and flushed the babys in the pipeswould eat it.
When I was younger I thought that when a woman was pregnant she would feed her baby through her belly button!
top belief!
When I was 4, my mom was pregnant with my little sister. At first I told them that they couldn't have the baby--I was the baby of the family afterall, and I wasn't about to be replaced! But I ended up really wanting to have a little sister, and got really protective of her when she was still inside my mom. As my mom was nearing the end of her pregnancy and was really showing (this was probably in the last 4 weeks before she had her), I insisted on going to into the bathroom with my mom every time that she needed to use the toilet. I was really afraid that if she wasn't careful, the baby would fall out and she would flush the toilet and not realize that she had lost the baby! So every time she was done, I made her let me check the toilet to make sure the baby wasn't in there before she could flush! (All in all, I really can't believe my mom put up with me!)
When my brother was about 3 years old, about the same time my mother was pregnant with me, he announced to my mother that when he grew he was going to 'grow a baby in his tummy just like her'. She was heartbroken having to explain to him that only girls can do that.
top belief!
My mum's version of the birds and the bees was: "The guy puts his juice into the girl." So for years I had this picture of my dad pouring orange juice - not apple, which was yucky - into my mum's mouth. I imagined different flavours of juice would produce different kind of kids.
i used to believe that while two people were having sex a baby would automatically just pop out of the female!
I used to think that, depending on which trimester, or which stage of pregnancy you gave birth in, you gave birth to animals, and that that's where animals came from. (It went mice, cats, dogs, humans. I had no idea about elephants and stuff like that.
When i was waaaay younger I Always thought that women had girl babies and men had boy babies....i was always wondering when my paw-paw was gonna have his baby
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