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I've always see white men marrying a non-white women. I used to believe that if a white boy married an asian or women in diffrent races would not make her a baby or the baby would not move or talk. After I had learned about the segregation in america as white boys marry white girls, asian boys marry asian girls.
My parents told me that babies were made from dimonds under cabbage patches, that would grow into a baby.
I used to believe that my Mum laid an egg and Dad sat on it...and it hatched and I came out...pretty silly, huh?
I used to belief that babies came from babies r us.
i used to believe that a girl could have a baby from sleeping beside a boy in the same bed. my parents used to let us kids sleep with them in their beds. well when i was old enough to sleep in my own bed my younger brother and sister had to sleep with my parents. i told my sister that if she slept in the same bed with my brother she would have a baby. she cried, i got in trouble
top belief!
I belived that children were a gift from God. Therefore, I also belived that God hated my neighbor, Betty, because she had a baby every year and after each birth she would state,"if I have another child it will kill me."
When I was first told about intercourse, I didn't believe it. How could peeing inside a girl make a baby?
I used to believe that you have conjoined twins by having sex during the pregnancy, making the two fetuses attch to each other.
My Mother Told Me That When She Was Pregnant With Me, I Used To Get Hungry A Lot. So, Whatever She Ate,I Ate From Inside Her Belly.
I Used To Believe That In Order For Me To Stay Alive, I Had To Eat The Inside Of My Mommy. lol I Just Assumed That Everything That You Ate Turned Into Body Fat.
I used to think that the umbilical cord went from a baby's genitals to the mother's belly button, not vice versa.
I thought fetuses being in the mother's stomach had to be bored and so they watched TV too, but rather than TV, they watched their moms take craps, except it was from the inside. So they got to see the actual crap being formed and coming out of the butt.
Once I figured this out I told my mother and she nodded understandingly. I beamed and knew I was right all along.
When i first got 'taught' about sex, it was by a very stupid man and an equally stupid book as his aid. The book was about the human body, and was designed for children, and in the part about reproduction, it had a picture of a metal box with a spring coming out of it(which was suppossed to represent the male reproductive parts) and another metal box with no spring (the womans parts) and arrows showing that the springy thing went into the other metal box or something. It was really dumb and thanks also to the person 'explaining' it to me, i was left thinking that sex was something these weird robots did for us, so we could have babies, but I had no idea how them having sex made us have kids.
This belief sort of came from watching movies when I was a kid. During a wedding scene two people exchange rings right? Well I thought that when the man put the ring on the lady's finger it reacted in a way such that a baby is made in her belly. Then, in the next scene I see the lady with a baby...
i was think that chldren came from kising
I remember when I found out that you had to have SEX to make babies. I was so disgusted. I could not believe that my parents had done that three times! I vowed that I would just adopt children. Of course, I still may adopt in the future, but as a woman in her mid-twenties, I look forward to making babies. . .but not quite yet. I'll stick to contraception, thanks! ;)
My cousin, when he was about 4 years old, went up to my brother and said "hey Bobby, do you remember when you n me was in my mommy's tummy and we was playing volley ball?"
when i was 6 I used to belive that u have to pee on the girls butt to make a baby,and since i wanted to be a "daddy" so much , i when in the bathroom when my 12 year old sister was taking a shower and started to pee on her. man was i wrong about that!
I used to think that babies were produced when two people rapidly rubbed their bellies together.
When I was in 5th or 6th grade we had a sex education class. They showed us mostly animal sex and then just talked about human sex. So I believed that the male urinated inside the female to "fertilize the egg". Needless to say, if you had children, you were just kinda gross. But I understood how much people loved thier children and how they would do anything for them. But what I really did not understand is how people would get pregnant on "accident". How do you "accidently pee in someone"?
top belief!
When I was little, I overheard my mother telling a female relative about her pregnancies. Apparantly, with my little sister her stomach was huge, and with my little brother, well, that pregnancy was just a big pain in the a**. From then on, I was convinced that girls came out of the belly button, and that boys came out of women's butts. I used to always wonder if any baby boys were born into the toilet by mistake, while the pregnant women were taking care of business. Weird.
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