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When I was in elementary school, an older student told me that if you had a pain in your right side, you were having a baby girl. A pain in your left side ment you were having a baby boy. I had to get my appendix out at the age of 17 - thankfully, I had learned where babies came from by then.
I studied French at university and in my second year (I was 19) I wrote an essay on nineteenth-century short stories. One story featured a strange bear-man who had been conceived when his mother had sex with a bear. I told my tutor that this fitted the description of a "conte fantastique" perfectly, because although events seemed supernatural, there was also a logical explanation and what happened in the story, although unlikely, could happen in real life. He looked at me in amazement and then said, very slowly, "look, I know we're not studying biology here..."
When I was about 8 and learned about the birdsand the bees,I assumed that the babies were born just a few weeks after sex. I also believed that the expectant mommy had to be careful to make sure, when she went to the bathroom, that she was just pooping, and wasn't giving birth. I also wondered how many babies had been flushed down the toilet by unobservant mothers.
This isn't actually my belief, it is (or was) the belief of a classmate of mine. She thought that babies were delivered by a stork. Sort of reasonable, right? Wrong. She wasn't 3 or 4. She was 15. And in Honors Biology.
i used to think that all girls and women were born with little fetus-like things growing inside them, and once you reached a certain age it would automatically start growing into a baby.
i used to think people could go to winn dixie to pick up their baby....
I used to believe that to make babies, a man would pee into a woman's butt. There. I said it.
I thought that people have babies as soon as they kiss.
Lots of other kids told me this when I was about 8.
(you know how much kids fear sex)
when i was about 4,i thought that when you were pregnant you had all of your kids at once, seince i just have a sister,i figured we were just both made in the stomach,but my aunt had 4 kids,so i thought 2 of them grew in the back. it took me about a year to realize they were born seperate (but she had 2 sets of twins, weird huh?)
When I was a little kid, I thought the word "orgasm" was synonymous with having sex. So when my brother asked how you could have more than one baby, I said all the mom and dad have to do is have more than one orgasm. Mom got this cleared up really fast.
top belief!
Since I can remember, my dad told me and my brother that he got us from Japanese monsters. So whenever we were being bad, he'd tell us that he was gonna give us to the gypsies. Up until the time I was about 8 or 9, i thought that gypsies were Japanese monsters.
once i was watching to young kids. we had been outside catching ladybugs, and had a huge jar full of them. one of the kids started screaming. when i asked her what was wrong, she told me that there were two ladybugs that were fighting. she showed me the mating ladybugs and said "look they're tackling eachother".
For the longest time, I had no idea how babies were made. I read about evolution in a magazine, and concluded that all the time, monkeys were evolving into people. I guess adult apes turned into babies then.
I used to think the stork brought us to our parents house. Honestly, I remember and friend of mine and me talking, we both agreed that storks had to have brought us, because our parents would do something as disgusting as having sex.
When I was 3-8 I thought that something in your spit caused you to have children!
i used to believe that when a man and woman kissed the girl got pregnant and then she went to the bathroom and pooped out the baby.
top belief!
When my oldest daughter was about 3, I was pregnant again. My daughter thought that by talking into my belly button, she could talk to her sister. Normal enough, right? Well she would also try to stick food in there for her sister and once she even tried shoving a picture she had drawn in there.
My little brother, who just turned 13 by the way, thinks that orgasms end in "peeing" and that you "pee" inside a woman during sex. Also, once, when he was younger and he was laying on me after taking a shower, I was tickling him and his privates got close to mine (I was fully clothed). I somehow managed to convince him that the baby I was having was his! Boy, was he worried when he heard me tell mom that I was pregnant!
when i was a kid i used to believe that inside a mummys tummy babies were dressed up in a mac and hat waiting impatiently with their suitcase for the lift to stop at the ground!!!!!!!
Dunno where i got that idea from!!
I used to believe that the Daddy used to wee inside the Mummy to make a baby and the more wee-wee he did inside her meant you were taller when you growed up.
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