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My mom is a nurse, so when she explained sex to me, she naturally used all the proper words and was very techincal about the whole thing. She told me about the fallopian tubes and the vas deferens... and I was only nine! This led me to believe that sex was something you had to go to the hospital to do!
I once asked my mom if you could have a baby without being married, because all the daddies on tv were really mean. She reluctantly said yes. Later that day, i rememember thinging that I'm going to have a baby but never get married.
I used to think that babies came from cabbages.
I used to belive that a Dirty Sanchez was a type of truck i dont know why but i just thought i was about 10 when i finally learned what it ment
I used to believe that when mom and dad would want a baby, he would go to the grocery store and get a sunflower seed. He would stick it in mom's belly button and in a couple of minutes... a baby would come out! Boy, was I wrong...
I used to believe that babies are poop. Each time you poop there goes a baby. Of course this was before sex ed.
I used to think that babies "just happened". I used to have long conversations with my friends about how I wanted to be a mother but not be married so I figured I'd "just let it happen" as though pregnancy was an act of will. I had seen so many TV shows and movies about single mothers I thought thats what they had done, too!
i used to belive that babys floated in the tummy and ate blood with dypers on!!! and a bow and their hair!
When i got to the age of wondering where babies come from my parent told me that my mum had an egg. i had this vision that there was this big warehouse with mountains of egg box cartons with one egg in them. There was one's where you could decide the gender or there was the luck dip aisles.
When I was younger I used to think that when you got married, god put a spell on the woman and she had a baby!
my mother told us that we grew in tgarhe den and when we bloomed she went out and picked us. if we got in trouble she would threaten to plant us back out there. one time i got stuck in the mud. i was scared to death i was planted again.she came out and rescued me. i avoided muddy places from then on. i love my mom
I thought that parents made a baby by nibbling each others ears.
I used to believe that to have a baby you only had to pray really hard.
when i was about 6 or 5 years old, i had no idea about sex, but i had my own teory about making children. i used to believe that when man and woman kiss , woman is swallowing something which grows in her stoomach into a baby. that's really stupid, isn't it :)))
Whe I was about 7 my older freind told me that babies where made when a man goes to the bathroom inside the woman. I was horrified by the thought that I was made of pee. Finally I asked my Mom and she told me the truth.
when i was little my mom always told me the old tale about babies coming from storks. she used to say that she was pregnant with me at my aunt's wedding so i always had this picture of my mom in a pretty dress, sitting in a pew and all of a sudden a stork dropped me into her stomach and she got fat. then i learned how it REALLY worked.
When I first heard about sex (about 9), I was hoping there was some other way to have kids, because there was NO WAY I was gonna let that happen to me!
I used to belived that babies where bought from ths hospital
When I was little I would follow my mom everywhere. One morning I followed my mom into the bathroom and watched her swallow a pill from this cool looking dial. Asked her what it was and she said It kept her from having babies.
So I decided that when you were grown-up you had to swallow a pill every day or else a baby would appear in your stomach. Then I asked if my mom would buy me a box of Tic Tacs so I could be really good at swallowing them when I'm grown-up.
I beleived this for quit some time. That is until I was in middle school and we had a class on the whole thing
When I was little, I used to belive that you didn't even have to have sex to have a baby, so when I saw a news article about a eight year old having a baby, I said to my Dad"Im going to have a baby when I'm ten years old.", But I was sad when My dad said I couldn't... now, a few years later, I realise why!
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