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When I was young, I very brilliantly decided I knew how babies were made. When a couple kisses, their saliva mixes and the mixture is swallowed by the woman, which goes down to the tummy and the baby starts forming. Because kissing was gross, I decided I never wanted kids.
I lived a very,very,very sheltered life and never saw anyone with children who wasn't already married. It wasn't until my first day of the 11th grade that one of the girls came in with a big belly and took the seat behind me. She announced to some friends that she was having a girl. My curiosity got the best of me because I couldn't help but to ask her how her parents let her get married before she finished highschool.
You can only imagine the laughs I got from the entire class, including the teacher!!
When I asked my mom where babies came from (i was 3) she told me they came from flying storks. Then i asked my dad and he told me the real reason. I didnt know what to believe so i just decided mommy stuck her penis into storks.
top belief!
I used to believe that sex was a recently thought up invention, probably invented only a couple of years before I found out about it. I remember thinking "Phew, that's lucky, my generation will now be able to carry on the human race."
When my auntie was in hospital having given birth to my cousin (she was in her 20's) she couldn't understand how the woman in the next bed had had a aby when she wasn't married. She had to ask her mother when she came to visit. I'm not sure whether she thought that you couldn't get pregnant until you were married (even if you had sex) or that you were physically unable to have sex until you were married. There is also the possibility that she didn't know which part of being married had got her pregnant but I've never like to ask :-)
When I was little, I thought babies were made when the mother and father kissed. They exchanged germs or "cooties", and the father's saliva helped create a baby inside the mother. I always expected babies when I saw people kissing.
When I was about 8 and just finding out about how babies were made, I used to think that the sex of the baby depended on which parent had been 'trying harder'when they made the baby. If the dad had been trying harder, the baby would be a boy, and if the mom had, it would be a girl.
when i was about 8 my dad for some reson or another told me that when i was born i was blue. I knew about sex and so on then and ignored him, but later i thought he meant that i turned blue because i couldnt breathe (i'm asthmatic)
When I Was About 3 My Parents Told Me that Babys Were Seeds And Planted In The Ground And Wen The Plant Grew A Baby Appered In The Mothers Womb And That The Parents Could Go To The Shop And Buy Baby Seeds.
Up until 5th grade (when we watched the sex ed video), I thought that when girls reach the age for having children, they spontaneously develop an opening between their anus and their vagina where intercourse takes place. I also thought when a girl said she was having her "period" that was another term for saying she was having sex.
i used to believe that babies were made out of spit from people kissing too much, lol.
when I was little I thought pregnant women were just carring a baby under their shirt (that's what made 'the bump') and that they could just take it in and out when they wanted.
i used to believe that when u had a baby, it was hidden under a women's shirt. i then asked my neighbor "when u get dressed, how come the baby doesnt fall out?" that is when i was young and stupid
when i was younger, i asked my mom if i could have a brother. then she said "ok, let's go to safeway and buy one." when we got there i wondered where the baby aisle way. hah!
When I was about 5, maybe slightly younger, I used to think that when a baby got really tired, it could crawl back into its mother's womb through her belly button. I was a messed up kid, but I gave my mother a good laugh whenever I told her about it.
I never wanted to have babies when I was a young girl so I believed one day when taking the cat to get "fixed" that I could be also. My Mom didn't agree...neither did the Vet!
My dad had explained to me how animals "pair themselves" to make little animal babies (probably after watching humping lions on an animal show or something). I thought I had it all figured out, until I discovered that the human practice of "pairing ourselves" (marriage) didn't resemble the animal way very much, so I candidly asked my dad why humans pair themselves so differently. A deep sigh later, my dad launched into the real story...
The worst thing about this is when I told my friend about my new wisdom, he refused to believe me and beat me up.
I used to believe that for a baby to be born, a couple had to be married. If they were in love, God would give them one baby. If they were REALLY in love, god would give them two babies.But if they had been bad, he would give them three to punish them.
I used to believe that a man and a woman made a baby by pressing their stomachs together and hugging each other really tightly... and that baby 'ingredients' were pased from the father, through his belly button, into the mothers belly button and a baby was made. I also thought the baby came out of the belly button when it was born... and I couldnt figure out how it would ever fit!
i used to think that babies were produced by rubbing turmeric powder on the bride's belly during her marriage.
now as to number of and when the babies came into existence, i figured it depended on the amount of powder applied.
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