i used to believe

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When I was very young, I remember loads of my mums friends being pregnant and having babies. I overheard my godmother talking to my mum one day about a friend of theirs getting her "milk" (as in breast milk). For quite some time I believed that women had to go with their husbands to a big dome shaped building to have the milk put into their breasts! Ahhhh aren't kids sweet!

Lisa Willson
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when i asked where i came from i was told that my mum and dad had a 'special kiss' and then the stork came down with me in a blanket. what a shock i had when i started reading teen mags.

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When I was little my friend's father told me he was pregnant, and I believed him cause his stomach was so huge. I always used to ask him when he was going to have the baby, but he never did.

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You know when women go in to have the ultrasound? Where you can see the baby on the television screen? I used to think they were checking for weasels.

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I used to think that Inside u there was already a baby

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i figured out most things about sex etc by the time i was 8. But i didn't understand the whole term "sleeping together" as meaning what it does. So, once, my friends and i, aged about 7 i suppose, were sitting around whispering- they didn't know much, probably less than me, and the conversation got to "sleeping together" where i announced that i had slept with a boy, and it was okay, and that we'd done that lots of times, and last time, it was in a tent! (a family friend!) Then when i was about 14, i remembered that conversation... ouch.

young one
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when i was small i beleived that children were born by god throwing them through those holes in the ceiling that are used by workmen.all mothers would run with their stomachs facing up and one lucky one would get the kid.then she would be operated to get the kid out.
that was because i knew children were born from the stomachs.

akanksha nehra
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When I was around 5 or 6 years old i used to believe that you could buy babies from a store. My mom would take me shopping and i would be whining coz i wanted a baby brother so she would point to a lady with a baby and tell me that she had gotten the last one. She did this every time I complained about wanting a baby brother. I believed her until she took me to work with her and a few of the ladys she worked with asked me where I was going and i told them I was going to walmart to get me a baby brother and they laughed at me...... parents can be so cruel!

Gothic Barbie
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I used to believe that babies come from a machine

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i used to think babies were created by a man sticking his penis in a girls mouth. So one day my friend had a hazy idea of the right way. We got into a huge fght about it

u no who
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When I was little, I used to believe that when babies were born, parents would have to guess at the names becuse the gender wouldn't be known until the child started to play with gender-specific toys (dolls or trucks). I was so glad that my parents had chosen my name accurately because I LOVED to play with dolls.

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when i was about 11, on a visit to the toilet i found a pea bug in my knickers (i had been sitting in a field). I was horrified and terrified for the next few months as i thought i was going to give birth to a peabuggy person !!!! wow what an imagination!!

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When I was about 6, my best friend told me the real way babies were made. I didn't believe her at all, I said "NO, God just points his "baby finger" (pinky) at a woman's stomach and the baby appears in her arms!" We argued for a straight 2 hours. I thought that until about the 4th grade

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I used to believe that if a woman ate too much and she kissed a man she loved, that his magically love-enhanced spit would come down and touch all the food she ate and turn it into a baby. Only the spit of the man that she loved could change the large amount of food that made her stomach so big into a baby though. That's where I thought babies came from.

bob the builder
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I used to think that I was pregnant, and that the wrinkles in my belly button was the baby's vulva.

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i used to think sex was just this really short thing called "peenie touch vagina." like if the parents wanted to make a baby, they'd do it quickly before dad left for work in the morning. they'd lean up in a doorpost, each would take down their pants to the middle of the thigh, and then dad would just lean forward and touch for a second. then mom would be pregnant.

adam j. sontag
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I used to belive that a man would make the sperm like a toy and then the woman would sit ont the toilet and pump the sperm up her thing with a tube. I later belived that the family would stand outside and the mom would open her mouth up wide and the stork would drop the baby in her mouth!

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My three brothers and I were raised Catholic in the 1950s and 60s, so any discussion remotely connected with "where did we come from" was met by my mother with panic. My youngest brother, aged five, the favourite and therefore hated by the rest of us, persisted; and getting nowhere he came to me, as I was the oldest, or perhaps just the loudest. I told him that Gypsies had left him with us, and further, told us that if he ever lied, we were to take him down to the lake and tie him to the tree there, and they would come and take him back. He panicked even more than Mother did, and didn't lie for years afterward.

The Big Sister
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I used to think babies came out of the toilet

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Around the age of 5 I started wondering how babies where made. I never asked my mom, but me and my friends came up with a theory that a man and a woman get naked and hug and kiss and rub up agenst eachother, causing friction, and the heat from the friction would cause a womans stomach to get big, and a baby would pop out.

tori g
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