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top belief!
My dad told me when I was really little that roosters simply "walked over" an egg in order to fertilize it. I was recently in a conversation with my boss at work and argued that this was true for at least ten minutes - before realizing that my dad had simply told me that in order to avoid giving me the sex talk! My boss still laughs at me over that one.
top belief!
When I was 5 my sister and I were sent to the neighbor's house for lunch. A while later, I saw the family doctor walking down our front walk, carrying his black bag, of course. (This was in the mid 1940s.) A short time after that, we were called back to our house, and presented with our brand new baby brother. So I knew FOR SURE that babies were brought in the doctor's black bag. I'd seen it with my own eyes.
I used to think that the number of babies a woman would have was programmed into her -- there was no external factor like sex that would 'make' a baby, it would just happen randomly. least until it occurred to me that dads were important somehow; then I thought it was kissing that made babies.
when i was young, i thought that a sperm just jumped out of a guy and jumped inside a woman and attached itself onto the egg and there came the baby
top belief!
When I was about 10 or 11, I was so obsessed with having a pet other than a fish that one day I went into the fridge and took an egg. I microwaved it for about 10 seconds in the microwave, and then I wrapped it in a few socks and put it in a drawer (Clearly I thought the "warmth" from the hen is what made an egg hatch). I would fantasize all day about the egg hatching into a baby chick!
After a few days, I finally told my mom and she said "the egg can't hatch because it's not fertilized."
Then for some reason, I got this crazy idea in my head that if I put sperm on the egg, it would hatch into a human/chicken. The image of that human/chicken hatching still freaks me out...
When I was little I thought when a man and woman had sex, the woman's boobs would fuse with the man's chest and the penis would fuse to the vagina. Then a baby would come out by unzipping the vagina.
top belief!
I used to believe that my mom had me and that my dad had my little brother... (we are just a year apart - I was very young...) boys have boys and girls have girls...
My sister used to believe you could get pregnant from oral sex.
top belief!
I used to believe that all babies came from the Sears catalog. Till I was about 11.
top belief!
I used to believe that the number of children a man could father was indicated by the number of testicles he possessed. I was quite satisfied with my two future children.
top belief!
When I was very little I asked my mom if women who didn't have sex could still get pregnant. She paused for a moment, and then said "Sometimes."
Today, I'm fairly certain she'd meant the Virgin Mary was the exception. For years, however, I lived in mortal fear of spontaneous pregnancy.
My dad always told me that when i was born, my parents picked me out from the "milk river," which I imagined to be just a river of regular dairy milk. Only until 8th grade did I tell my friends and soon after realize the dirty meaning behind it by their reactions! XP
top belief!
When I was about 2 and half my mom & dad brought my baby brother home from the hospital. When my mom asked me if I knew where he came from, I responded oh so confidently with "Yes. He came from K-Mart." I thought that since I got my babies from K-Mart, my baby brother must have come from K-Mart too.
I once asked my boyfriend, at the time, how big he thought women's eaggs were. He said the same size as a chicken's egg. He was 27 at the time
top belief!
My mom told me that every time a woman had a baby, she would grow a new belly button. I told her I didn't believe her because she had three kids and only one navel, and she said, "Are you sure? When's the last time you've seen my belly?" That stopped me in my tracks!
top belief!
I used to believe that boys, gave birth to boys and girls gave birth to girls. How i'm so wrong now.
i used to believe that when some one talked about sperm they were talking about hair like a perm i was shocked when we did sex ed at school. i still sometimes get mixed up now!! he he:)
top belief!
I used to believe in my little analyitical, logical, mind that because Mothers made milk Fathers made water!
I have masturbated ever since I was six years old. I have also been bi ever since then too, I liked penis's first so thats basically how it started. I didnt start liking girls until I was eight and my drunked father explained to me how sex worked. I masturbated alot UNTIL THEN becausehe told me that when you have sex, sperms go and "search" for the egg. and I didnt know that this only happened after puberty, so I remember being terrified to masturbat for fear that the little microscopic sperms would just crawl out, "search" everywhere around my house until they found a vagina (being my mothers of course), and then she's get pregnant. I still did it anyway though.
top belief!
Maybe this would more of an "unbelief"...
When i was about 5 or 6, I happened to interrupt my Mom explaining the "facts of life" to my older brother. (My mom was very open about this subject, something I appreciate to this day.) She was saying that when a woman is born, she already has thousands of eggs in her tummy, to make babies when she is married. I looked at my Mom for a while, soaking that in. And then I looked down at my own tummy, and thought "you are crazy; no way are there thousands of eggs in my tummy!" Keep in mind, I'm 5 and I'm thinking chicken eggs...
I just gave my mom that look kids give you: "you are so full of sh--", and walked away...
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