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top belief!

I believed that babys really were found under a cabbage bush at the bottom of the garden, as a child the film Mrs Wiggs and the cabbage patch kids was all the go.

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When I was born, I was the youngest of 3. I used to think where I came out last, there wasn't enough room left in Mum's tummy, and so believed I came out of my Dad's bottom. You wouldn't believe how many dinner-time conversations arose from this when I was 4. Tee hee.

Anna H
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When my son was about four he said well I know how I came out of you, (c-section), but how did I get inside you? This was a subject I was not ready to discuss with him and before I could say anything he said "I know I must have been one of your germs". I just smiled and said yup, must have been. Some things are better left unsaid.

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This is not a belief of mine but of my poor sister Jenna. Since she's been very small she's believed that when a woman was pregnant the baby drained her blood and she died when it was born. Then the dad married another woman to raise the child. I dunno where she got this idea but no one could talk her out of it till she was 22. That is when she married and found herself pregnant. In a panic she called me and told me the grave news. I went with her to the doctor who tried to set her straight. Still, she worried quite a bit until my little neice Olivia was born.

Molly Windsor
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I remember when our dog was on heat,mum thought it was an opportune time to tell me about reproduction as I'd seen the neighbours dog on the back of our dog. She didn't mention the female had another opening and I recall holding onto my bun and thinking Nooooo!!!

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My parents told us that babies came from the cabbage patch. When 6 my little sister was born in Aug just after dad had planted the cabbages for the new season. My sister and I panicked every year for a while when dad planted cabbages but couldn't understand why there were no more babies until Mum and Dad explained to us.

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When i was a kid, i knew that something came out of the mans penis that made a woman pregnant. One night, i cant remember why, Dad slept in my bed and i was in my parents bed with Mum. I was terrified that if something came out of his penis onto my bed it could get inside me and make me pregnant the next time i slept in my own bed! It had me scared for weeks, esp when i had "cravings" for chocolate!

Mel C
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top belief!

I was told that the angels brought babies to the Mothers in the Nursing Home. I asked how they knew to get babies who looked like the mothers. My Mum told me that the angels looked at the mothers and matched babies to them . I wanted blonde babies , so decided I would dye my dark hair before I went to this obviously holy place to fetch a baby home!

Lucy Jane
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top belief!

When I was little, I believed that babies were born with clothes on. Once I was playing a game with my brother--I was having a baby--my Betsy-Wetsy doll. My brother said I had to take the doll's clothes off. I was shocked. He said, "But babies are born naked!" I refused to believe him, until my mother confirmed it.

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I asked my mother where I came from, and was told she'd gotten me in Macy's basement. Every time she went shopping downtown, I asked her to bring me back a baby sister. She never did.

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I thought babies just grew in their mother's stomachs spontaneously, but I knew a woman had to be married to have a baby--because my parents sometimes said things like "So and so's having a baby. I didn't even know she was married!" So I asked my mother, "How does a baby know if it's mother is married?" She laughed a lot, and said "It knows! It knows!" As a consequence, I didn't learn the truth till a friend told me when I was almost 13. What a shock!

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I have three sisters, A., V. and E. In 1969 when I was 6 they were 19, 21 and 23. The youngest sister A. was having a baby and I couldn't figure out why the youngest sister was having a baby first and not the older one.

Chris C
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My cousin and i used to believe that we were born in the cabbage patch.We were told this by our parents,aunts,sister,brother,etc...

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When I was little I used to think that all girls were born with a baby inside them, but it was really small (like the size of a nail) and it just grew bigger as you grew up till you got married and then it just came out of your tummy. on finding out how babies really came to be, i was devestated!

Gems, Queen of the World
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My dad used to tell me that he and mom found me by the side of the Santa Ana freeway

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When my nephew was six he was being naughty so I told him that his mum and dad bought him from a supermarket.

I went on to say that they decided to take him back because they didn't like him but the supermarket wouldn't give them their money beck.

I think I may have scarred him for life!

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I figured out at around the age of six that married women had babies and unmarried women didn't. What I couldn't work out was how in the world the babies knew in advance which was which?

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Bashful Southern Baptists, my parents never gave me 'The Talk.' All they ever taught me about sex was that it was something naughty to feature or to watch on TV and that no one ought to do it (whatever frightful and secret thing "it" was) until after marriage. Until I was enlightened by the Texas public school system, I thought that sex was merely rolling around on the floor, fully clothed, with a member of the opposite sex--and of course, I had no idea how babies figured into it.

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I was in fifth grade when I first heard of the human reproduction process: a friend ran into the classroom right after recess and yelled, "Hey! I know how babies are made! The man sticks his dick in the woman's --" and right then someone made a noise and I didn't hear what the last word was. For a long time I thought of where one might put the thing to make a baby but really couldn't think of a good answer. Still looking.

Adam Smith
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