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top belief!
I used to believe that babies were born wearing clothes - a red top and denim shorts.
I used to get nervous anytime I saw a pregnant lady going into the bathroom because I thought the baby might fall out into the toilet.
top belief!
I used to believe that when the egg was fertilized, it would become a baby in about a second, pop out of the mom's stomach, and fly around the room like a balloon. I have no idea where that last part comes from.
I remember sitting at the dinner table with the family and asking where do babies come from, my dad answered rather embarrassed a "seed". I never ate tomatoes for years!!!!!!!
My mom would make statements referring to how much I cost, so I thought that you went to the hospital, looked in the window, picked out a baby and paid for it.
My parents had two friends who were unable to have children. They were both very fat, so I thought that they couldn't reproduce because their large bellies prevented them from getting close enough to each other to have intercourse. Of course it turned out to be a fertility problem...
My mom was typically skittish about explaining sex and reproduction to me. At some point she must have explained having babies as something that happened after a man and a woman got married. I have no concious memory of this, but I literally believed that having a baby was not possible until a woman was married. I was completely bewildered when my favorite babysitter couldn't babysit me anymore because, as my mother put it, she was going to have a baby. My reaction: "But how can she have a baby? She's not married!"
I used to believe that the people that designed "Congratulation" cards for new mothers all copied each other, or why would they ALWAYS draw a stork on it?
My parents had very considerably told me the real origin of babies, but had never explained the "alternate theories" about cabbage patches and storks!
when I was 3 my mom was pregnant with my little brother. I couldn't wait until he was born because I thought he would be so cute and little. Little enough to stand up in the palm of my hand and be two inches tall.
To my suprise my baby brother weighed 10 pounds when he was born! Much bigger than I thought he would be.
top belief!
I used to believe that babies were put on backorder for 9 months and when they arrived, the hospital would give you a call and you could go pick it up. I just thought the big belly part was because you ate too much because you were really excited about getting a new baby.
Before I found out what sex was (by going to the library and reading about it)... I thought that you could only have a child if you got married. I thought God put a cell in the woman's body that would grow once she went through the whole wedding ceremony thing... boy was I wrong
I recall my mother telling me when I was much younger (probably aobut 6-ish) that babies happened when two people "love each other a lot".
That kind-of scared me, since church sermons would say things like "love thy neighbour", and relatives would ask if I loved them/my family/whatever. I couldn't say it, and would just half-heartedly nod.
Similarly it has taken me a long time before I could write "with love from..." at the bottom of a card!
I think that my head has been screwed up right into my early 20's - not a good way to help relationships along!
top belief!
when my mom was pregnant with my younger sister, I asked her if she would come out naked. She said Yes and I told her to swallow some underwear so she wouldn't be seen naked.
I used to believe that when a Caucasian person and an African-American person had a baby, it came out Hispanic.
top belief!
My dad was stationed in Thailand during Vietnam, and when he came back, he had a photograph of himself holding a blonde monkey. He told me that I looked just like the monkey when I was a baby, so until I was 9 or 10, I believed that we were all born monkeys, then turned human when we got older.
When I was a very little girl, of course, I didn't know "where babies came from," and I don't really remember asking, but I thought that the mommy was in her bed, sleeping, then two angels, one on either side of the bed, appeared with the baby, and left it there.
I thought that you could choose the sex of your babies by selecting left or right when you entered the woman!
i used to think babies were brought by the birds and were made in this special"baby-goo" factory.i was less then 6/7 then.
When I was about 6 I asked my dad where I came from. He told me I came from a stork. To this day I don't know why my dad was screwing a stork!
top belief!
My father had a rather generous belly when I was young, one which made quite a lot of noise. As I would lay my head upon his stomach, listening raptly, he would inform me how long before the puppies arrived. I was nearly eight years old before I discovered that dad did not have puppies brewing within!
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