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When a woman got pregnant, I knew about sperm and the egg joining but I wasn't sure how it got in the mom's tummy. So I just assume it just "magically" passed through her skin or something. I knew the mom and dad were naked in the bed or wherever but that's where my knowledge of it stopped. I know all things are possible with God but I guess some things are done the "old-fashioned way".

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I used to believe, back in elementary school, that in order for a guy to get a girl pregnant, he had to PEE in her!!! I apparently wasn't paying attention in sex-ed...

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top belief!

Once when I was little, I heard someone referring to "Cabbage Patch Babies" (as in the toy doll). I took this to mean that babies came from cabbages. You went and got one from the grocery store and took it home. When you had waited long enough, the cabbage would grow into a baby.

Imagine my horror when I walked into the kitchen one day and found my mother cutting up a cabbage to make cole slaw!
I started screaming that she was "killing the baby". It took her like an hour to calm me down so she could figure out why I was so upset!

Daughter of a Cabbage Killer
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I use to believe that storks brought babies;and wondered why they didn't have a section for stork parking at the hospitals in our city.

Charles E. Beavers
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Until my mom was in high school, she didn't know that babies were made by having sex. She knew that people had sex and people had babies, but didn't know one led to the other. She contributes this to having gone to a Catholic school through 8th grade, and she said the only video she saw about it in school was a boy and girl kissing on a date, and then the girl in the doctor's office after having thrown up in the toilet.

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In my defense, the sex ed at my middle school was awful. The "nurse" said that once a girl started getting her period, she could get pregnant from coming into "close contact" with a boy. She didn't explain to us 5th graders just how close that contact had to be. For the longest time I wouldn't hang out with any of my guy friends because I thought they'd get me pregnant if I sat too close to them!

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When I was a child my grandma got cancer in her breast, so she was supposed to go to a hospital spacialized in ginecology. My mother and I were at the hospital and I asked my mother exactly where was my grandma and she said she was in ginecology. I must have had 5 years old, so the word sounded totally strange, so I asked my mother what was that and she said - It's the place where mummies have babies- so, I understood my grannie was going to have a baby!!!

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I asked my parents when I was a little lass "How do babies get here?"
And my mom told me that when a mommy and a daddy get along together they "get" a baby.

A few years ago I reminded my mom of what she told me.
She laughed and said " Well, getting along helps doesn't it?"

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When we were ten, my class learned about sex (just the basic stuff like eggs and sperm, nothing that would traumatise us too much at that point).
Anyway it that class had a best guy friend who acted real girly and hung out with us girls more than he hung out with guys.
In my class was also this kid who assumed that if a boy wasn't manly and was too girly, he had eggs instead of sperm.
So, yeah, one day, he told my best friend that he had sperm instead of eggs, in front of the whole class, teacher included.

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My mom used to say that having children costs a lot of money, so I believed that if you got a baby you' d have to go to the bank and pay money for it...

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I used to think that a man's sperm swam out through his belly button while he slept and flew through the air in a big cloud to get into his wife's belly.

I was just a bit confused.

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I used to believe the number of kids people had was the number of times they've had sex

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That children are ordered from catalogues :)
That actors are actually moving behind the TV screen:)
That we can make money whenever we need (Handcraft)
That if someone doesnt know me ... He or she doesnt even exist

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When I was about 5, my mom told me that I was a pill that she'd swallowed and I grew in her belly and came out the belly button.

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When I was 2 and my Mum was pregnant with my brother she used to take me with her when she had her check-ups with the nurse.

When the nurse took her blood pressure she used the old-fashioned type thing which you have to pump by hand. I used to think that when she pumped up the machine she was pumping my Mum's tummy up too!!!

Katie M
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When I was young my uncle told my brother and myself that kids came from Sears and if we weren't good he'd return us.

not from sears
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I used to belive that babies came from the sky and then the couple would have to wish upon a star and they would press their bellybuttons and it would come from the sky into their bellybuttonsand then out of their belly buttons and you'd have a babyy

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When I was little, I did what ever little kid does. I asked Mommy and Daddy "where do babies come from?" and of course I get the "a crane drops them off when Mommy and Daddy are ready for a baby." Silly me, I actually believed them until I knew for sure! HAHA!

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I guess my mother had a sense of humor, or maybe she was just a cruel woman with nothing better to do but to torture her first born. In any event, she told me when I was a kid that one day, she was picking her nose, and saw something moving in her booger. She decided for some reason to take care of it, and that moving thing turned out to be me. Imagine believing throughout your childhood that you were nothing but a booger child. I don't know why it didn't occur to me to inspect every booger I ever picked, but thank god I never did that!

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i used to believe that women give birth to girls & men give birth to boys...

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