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Mum used to tell us that we came from yhe cabbage patch and our bellybuttons is where god hang us sp to dry. I believed that till I was about 12.
I figured out at around the age of six that married women had babies and unmarried women didn't. What I couldn't work out was how in the world the babies knew in advance which was which?
My son (who will be 4 in July)told my husband and I this morning that babies come from baby bushes and that you just reach into the bush and pull one out. :)
When I was four, as all pregnant women wore the same 5 dresses (with the lacey sailor collars- YUK) I thought that it was the fashion to wear these with a football under them.
I used to believe that you could order babies from a catalogue!And that everybody had been mail ordered!
I used to believe that if you had a baby at 19, you were HORRIBLE, because thats "teen pregnancy." But if you had a child at 20, it was perfectly OK.
when i was really little, i used to live next to some people who had 5 kids, 4 boys and 1 girl. i thought that the sex of the baby was determined by whoever did the most work when the parents were having sex. later i found out that it had to do with chromosomes. *hehe*
When I was a young boy - around 9 - I remember announcing seriously one day at the dinner table that when I grew up I would only be able to have 2 children. My mother asked me why and I replied "Because I only have 2 testicles".
I was not prepared for my parents reaction. They literally fell about laughing to the point where they were literally wiping tears from their eyes. I just sat there saying "What? What?"
Of course, I eventually got the explanation but it wasn't until some time later that I too saw the funny side.
There was this woman in my church who told her granddaughter (I swear this true) that if she had sex she should jump up and down really hard. It would break the egg and she couldn't get pregnant.
Now here is another tidbit. The grandmother had 6 kids of her own. Guess that method didn't work too well!!!
my boyfriend was told by his parents that they won him at an auction. and yes, he still hasn't forgiven them for it.
My parents were regular customers of Sears & Roebucks. We always had one of their huge catalogs around our house. Seemed like almost everything we had came from Sears & Roebucks. After seeing all the babies in the catalogs, naturally, I thought that is where I came from, too!
When my mum was explaining how babies are fed through the belly button, I somehow got confused and for way too long believed that a pregnant woman spoon fed a baby through her own belly button.
In my defense, the sex ed at my middle school was awful. The "nurse" said that once a girl started getting her period, she could get pregnant from coming into "close contact" with a boy. She didn't explain to us 5th graders just how close that contact had to be. For the longest time I wouldn't hang out with any of my guy friends because I thought they'd get me pregnant if I sat too close to them!
I used to believe that when two people married their children appeared out of the middle of nowhere.
My mother said, when I was about six or seven, that women get pregnant after they "have some Mama and Papa's love" with men.
Because of this, I thought women could get pregnant simply from dating men.
I used to believe that that a couple had a baby when they got married. I got pretty confused when someone had two kids....
i used to think that birth control pills should be inserted vaginally.
When I was around 4 or 5, I thought babies came from seeds that daddies put in mommies bellybuttons.
when i was littel i thought that the strok was the thing you had sex with adn tehn when you were ready to have a baby. it jsut brought it with it. i never figured out why teh mommy adnm the stork were both pregnant though....
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