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I used to believe that people didn't have sex, the sperm just came out of the man (subconsciously) some nights, crawled across the bedsheet and went into the woman (i spent many sunday mornings looking in my parent's bedsheets to see if I could find some loose sperm)
I used to believe that you have conjoined twins by having sex during the pregnancy, making the two fetuses attch to each other.
I used to think that all animals were compatible with each other, so if you somehow managed to mate with a dog you would have puppies! I always fantasized ways that I could have baby panthers, because that would have been so cool..
In old movies in India they showed hero and heroine hugging eachother and then the heroine got pregnanant. I believed that one got pregnant just by hugging.
when i was younger i thought that babies could see out of the mummies belly button
When I was 5 my parents got divored. When my dad and new stepmother - who weren't married yet - told me my stepmother was going to have a baby and it would be a new brother or sister I told them that it wouldn't be my brother or sister because it was 'hers' and not my mom's baby. They told me it would be my sibling because it was my dad's kid and I said "Boys can't have babies!' In my mind a boy became a dad just because he was married to the lady who had a baby. I knew nothing of sex and because no one was willing to explain how girls got pregnant it took me a while to accept my half brother as really my brother and not just some kid to play with.
I believed that when a baby was born, he could remember his prior life and his time in Heaven in detail but he couldn't tell anyone about it due to lack of communication skills. As he learned to speak the language of his parents, he gradually forgot all of the previous information that would've answered all of the secrets of life.
I used to believe that babies came from outer-space. :)
When I was a little girl, my big sister got pregnant. In his own way, my father explained it to me...he told me that she had eaten a watermelon seed, and that it was growing in her belly, and that the same went for any fruit seed. I used to believe that she was growing a watermelon in her belly.
I took sex ed in 6th grade in a fairly conservative town. We covered how the sperm fertilized the egg, but not exactly how it got there. I thought that men ejaculated tiny sperm into the air--they'd float around until they found a nice woman to swim into, and then there'd be a baby.
I believed that my parents didn't have to have sex in order for me to be made. When my cousin told me that everyone had sex to have kids I called him a liar.
When I was very young, a boy at school told me that sex involved a man putting something into a woman's belly button (a worm, he explained to me) and that worm would eventually gestate into a full grown baby. He told me that boys practiced by putting their worm into holes cut into bars of soap. This made perfect sense to me, as babies in pregnant women appeared to be centered around the belly button. The first time I saw the umbilical cord on TV, my belief was confirmed, as I figured that was the vestige of said man's worm, clinging for dear life.
When I was 5, my mother was due to have my little brother in a month or so and i overheard a conversation she was having with my aunt about what hospital she was going to go to. Later, I was with my dad and asked him where i was born, and for some unapparent reason, he decided to tell me i was born at the Bonaza restaurant in town. I believed that for a year or so.
My friend first explained sex to me when we were about 8 or so. She explained that men were made up completely of sperm cells, and women of eggs. When they lied flat against each other, the woman could get pregnant from it.
Not only that, she had me worried I was pregnant from horseplaying with the boy down the street.
When I was a little kiddo, I used to think that semen was another word for spit, like salava. When I asked my mom where I get my semen from, she was horrified. (mainly cuz i asked it during her lunch with her friends)
When i was younger i believed that a miscarriage was when someone goes to take a baby on a stroll in a carriage but miss...and the baby falls on the floor!
I used to think babies were produced only if the couple was married after 1 year and it would automatically happen. I wanted my mom to have another baby and she said no. I told her she could have a private wedding ceremony with only her close family so it wouldn't be too much hassle and she would get pregnant again! LOL
I thought that parents made a baby by nibbling each others ears.
when I was 4 i used to think that baby's were made by a man lying on a bed with a woman and an egg rolled down the mans arm and up the womans arm.
I thought once a woman got married, she would just randomly get pregnant every now and then, and she would have to either have the baby (painful) or swallow a pill to have an abortion (this was long before RU-486 was invented). I hated swallowing pills, so I was glad I wasn't a woman.
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