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I used to believe that girls were born from mothers and boys were born from fathers.
We are just two sisters: so that confirmed why we were both born from my mother.
After all, it doesn't seem such a bad idea....
i used to believe that the term "sleeping together" really meant that they slept together, as in fell asleep at the same time and that's how women got pregnant, I could never figure out how the whole penis in vagina thing worked while you were snoring away...
My little sister, currently 7, believes that after you eat, if youre hugged by someone then youd automatically be a mother and the hugger was the daddy. the food would just mush up into a baby body until it was ready to come out:D
When my little sister was younger she believed in order to have babies you had to get married. So if you had two kids, you married twice. Soon after my mom found out (when she was about 9) is when she told her how couples had babies.
I have three sisters, A., V. and E. In 1969 when I was 6 they were 19, 21 and 23. The youngest sister A. was having a baby and I couldn't figure out why the youngest sister was having a baby first and not the older one.
By the time I was about six or so, I had gathered the gist of how sex works: the man sticks his penis in the woman, ejaculates (although I didn't know that word) something into her, and then she gets pregnant. However, I didn't exactly understand *where* the man stuck his penis. So, using standard kid logic, I figured that since women don't have a penis, the only remaining bit down there is the anus.
I decided at that point that I never wanted to have kids, because the last thing I wanted to do was shove my genitals into some woman's behind.
When I was a child most babies were delivered at home by the village midwife. She carried a big black "doctor's bag". As children we believed that people ordered a baby and she brought it to the house in the black bag. We also thought that all babies were boys and the mother and father dressed it as a boy if they wanted to keep it as a boy, but dressed it as a girl if they wanted a girl. As we got a little older we got more confused over gender and circumcison. We thought the parents who wanted a girl took the baby to be circumcised (everything cut off!!!) to turn it into a girl.
My older sister was expecting a baby when I was about 7, and I believed that all you had to do to have a baby was to lie down and wish really hard for one........I was close, hehehe, just wrong about the "wishing" part!!!
I always thought that the operation men get so they can't impregnate a women was the same as when animals get neutered, where their balls are removed. I found out in my late teens though that I was wrong...
When I was very young, I remember loads of my mums friends being pregnant and having babies. I overheard my godmother talking to my mum one day about a friend of theirs getting her "milk" (as in breast milk). For quite some time I believed that women had to go with their husbands to a big dome shaped building to have the milk put into their breasts! Ahhhh aren't kids sweet!
When I was little I would follow my mom everywhere. One morning I followed my mom into the bathroom and watched her swallow a pill from this cool looking dial. Asked her what it was and she said It kept her from having babies.
So I decided that when you were grown-up you had to swallow a pill every day or else a baby would appear in your stomach. Then I asked if my mom would buy me a box of Tic Tacs so I could be really good at swallowing them when I'm grown-up.
I beleived this for quit some time. That is until I was in middle school and we had a class on the whole thing
I used to believe that to make babies, a man would pee into a woman's butt. There. I said it.
I used to believe that the girl peed out of her, as I used to call it "bachina." So, to have a baby I thought that both the boy and the girl had to have to go to the batroom at the same time. Then, they would pee.
This belief sort of came from watching movies when I was a kid. During a wedding scene two people exchange rings right? Well I thought that when the man put the ring on the lady's finger it reacted in a way such that a baby is made in her belly. Then, in the next scene I see the lady with a baby...
Because on TV, couples slept together and then had babies, I figured something jumped through the air from the man to the woman. Consequently, on an overnight train trip I refused to go to sleep! That's how my Mom found out about my beliefs and "filled me in".
My sister told me that my parents had bought me out of the Sears flyer. I was only 5 and believed her since they had picutes of babies in the flyer and I hadn't realized yet that they were selling the baby clothes not the baby!!
My mom used to tell me never to kiss before you are married. I had read somewhere about a baby being formed by sperm and egg. I also thought that babies lived in the stomach. So, when I was about 7, I pieced it all together. The sperm travels to the egg from the father's mouth into the mother's stomach when they kiss and then the baby grows there. Then, a couple years later I wondered why the stomach acid didn't eat up the baby and wouldn't all the food build up if the baby were blocking the way to the intestine? Then I found porn which straightened a lot out for me. (My parents never gave me the talk and refused to let me take sex ed)
When I was little, my brother told me that babies were made by a man peeing inside a woman, therefor, my skin was made from my father's pee. There was nothing more disgusting than thinking you were made of pee. It took me a long time to get over that one!
When I was little, I told my mom that I wanted to have 5 children and that they would all be boys. She then told me that it wasn't up to me because men determined the gender of the baby. And that was all she said, she didn't explain any of the logic behind it. So for the longest time, I thought that meant that men got to choose if they wanted a boy or a girl. In my mind I worked it out like this: When the woman was only a few months pregnant, the father-to-be would put his hand on her pregnant belly and say whether he wanted a son or daughter and that's what they would have. I guess I figured that involved some kind of magic. I didn't figure out otherwise until I was 10.
I believed until I was about seven that, when a woman reached a certain age, she automatically had a baby. I wasn't sure I wanted children, so I used to constantly ask my mom, "How can I not have a baby when I grow up?"
She thought I was asking about birth control, so the answer was always, "I'll tell you when you're older."
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