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I thought that sperm was transmitted through the nipples, since wee-wees were only for peeing, of course. I asked my mother how this worked, if a woman's nipples became like 'mouths' and swallowed the man's nipples. She had my father show me a video that straightened everything out, except the whole gay sex part- but I figured that one out on my own.
When I was younger my brother used to tell me that if you ate too much licorice when you were pregnant you would have a black baby.
My Dad (G'd Bless Him) always told me that he bought me in Myers Bargain Basement. I always imagined rows of babies wrapped up in bunny rugs waiting to be bought! When I 'grew up' I always used to tease him that he could have at least said that I was bought at GEORGES!
I remember when I was about 4 (my sister was a baby about 1 year old) that babies were born wearing those little sleepers- pink for girls and blue for boys.
I was told when I was little that I was found under a rock. I used to turn over rocks looking for a baby. I ended up learning the truth when I was 9 years old, when my aunt had her first daughter.
I thought babies just grew in their mother's stomachs spontaneously, but I knew a woman had to be married to have a baby--because my parents sometimes said things like "So and so's having a baby. I didn't even know she was married!" So I asked my mother, "How does a baby know if it's mother is married?" She laughed a lot, and said "It knows! It knows!" As a consequence, I didn't learn the truth till a friend told me when I was almost 13. What a shock!
I used to think taht babies just *appeared* inside you, whether you wanted them or not and you couldn't choose when you had one. I also thought they came out of the belly button when they were born- after all, what else does it do?
i used to believe that couples could choose their children at this big, special place.
When I was little I was very active in the sexual department (reading and asking questions and basically messing around with friends); and I came across a pop up book about male and female sexual organs. It was rather explicit but used a washing machine and a dryer for demonstarion purposes. The washer would "spit" this liquid into the dryer opening. One day while messing around with one of my friends (I hope she doesn't figure this out), I decided that I would pee inside her because that is what the washing machine did. Oh man was I dumb (it got everywhere). I found out the truth when I was 11 in sex ed.
when my parents told me about the stalk delivering the baby i asked them, "well do you have to pay a delivery charge?"
When I was 4 and my mom was pregnant with my little sister, she told me all about the egg and the sperm except for how the sperm got from the man's body to the woman's. First, I thought that it came out his foot and then wriggled its way across the floor until it came to a woman and then climbed up her leg to her uterus. I decided that couldn't work. Then I thought that it must go through his spit when he kissed her. I thought that if the people weren't married yet, then the sperm couldn't be able to get through. So people who weren't married could kiss and not make a baby, but people who were married were really making a baby when they kissed.
Around the age of 5 I started wondering how babies where made. I never asked my mom, but me and my friends came up with a theory that a man and a woman get naked and hug and kiss and rub up agenst eachother, causing friction, and the heat from the friction would cause a womans stomach to get big, and a baby would pop out.
i used to think sex was just this really short thing called "peenie touch vagina." like if the parents wanted to make a baby, they'd do it quickly before dad left for work in the morning. they'd lean up in a doorpost, each would take down their pants to the middle of the thigh, and then dad would just lean forward and touch for a second. then mom would be pregnant.
when i was younger, i asked my mom if i could have a brother. then she said "ok, let's go to safeway and buy one." when we got there i wondered where the baby aisle way. hah!
When I was young, I very brilliantly decided I knew how babies were made. When a couple kisses, their saliva mixes and the mixture is swallowed by the woman, which goes down to the tummy and the baby starts forming. Because kissing was gross, I decided I never wanted kids.
I used to wonder how come there is a child birth once immediately after a marriage.I thought some thing is happening (chemical reaction) when the couples hold hands together in the marriage ceremony.
My sister thought when she was little that condoms were filled with semen and placed up the backside and babies were born from your bum
my 4 yr old little girl asked me how mummys knew what their baby is when its born, i told her if its a girl it will look like her and if its a boy it will have a willy, she said to me don't be stupid mummy if it's a boy it will be wearing trainers, and if its a girls it will have boots! i laughed for ages what do you say to that?
i used to think u bought babys from the buy and sell
when i was young, i thought that there is a store for you to buy babies and i thought every people was made by a machine and i always ask my mother if everybody always buy babies then who bought the first baby?
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