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when i was a kid...i use to believe that u dont have to have sex to have babies....but then i finally realise it was some stupid mistake.
My mom and dad told me that the only way you could make babies was to love someone alot.
I used to think that when parents wanted a baby, they went to the hospital and looked over all the babies that were there and picked the one they wanted.
When i was young,my mother told me that she picked me up from the park. i believed it for a few years
We used to beleive that a tadpole swam around in my mum and that was how I was born!
My mother, thinking she was avoiding the "birds and the bees" discussion, told me that I was born on a chicken farm and that I came with a dozen eggs one day. My hair was very blonde as a child (almost white) and my older brothers said it was left over feathers and that I would out grow them. I believed them until about 2nd grade when other blonde haired kids said it wasn't true.
When i was little i asked my grandpop, "If a black sperm got together with a white sperm would they make a vanilla fudge baby?"
I used to believe in spontaneous generation; ie: sex was an option for reproduction, but if all else failed, one could reproduce themselves through xenogenesis; through pure free will.
This was how I imagined my creation.
When I was about four or five, I genuinely used to believe that babies were bought from Argos catalogues and that cheese was mined from Cheddar Gorge.
When I was about 5 or 6 I was curious as to how babies were produced. My mother told me if you ate a lot of food you would have a baby. And I always invisioned the inside of a woman's body filled with peas and carrots instead of bones and muscles so she could become pregnant.
I also thought once you get married you would automatically have a baby after a year. My cousin got married and didn't have a baby for 5 years and I asked my mom "Why didn't she have a baby yet they've been married for so long!"
i used to believe that babies were made out of spit from people kissing too much, lol.
I used to belive that when people were kissing that it was sex. I also belived that sex was not the only way to have babbies, i was like 9 and i was trying to figure out the other way.
when i was 6 I used to belive that u have to pee on the girls butt to make a baby,and since i wanted to be a "daddy" so much , i when in the bathroom when my 12 year old sister was taking a shower and started to pee on her. man was i wrong about that!
when i was little i imagined a beach being inside a mommy's tummy for the baby. i used to think there was a beach, and the baby was a lot bigger than everyone else at the beach.
When I was a child I used to think that black women produced chocolate milk
my aunt never got married or had kids and when i was about 5 i asked my dad why and he said because she never slept naked..from then on i thought that if i slept naked i would get pregnant
I was convinced as a kid that babies came out of a woman's belly button. My cousin and I had it all figured out. The baby breathed through a tube through the belly button and when it was grown and ready to come out, it came out through the belly button!
i used to believe that women could only have sex once. and i didnt know of the whole menstrual cycle thing so i thought the sperm just stayed there forever and would make her get pregnant at random times. and also for some reason(dont ask me why) thought that if a women had sex with two different guys the baby would be all mutated and deformed.
When my brother thought sex was disgustinghe said to me my sister 'Urgh, mum and dad had to have sex three times'.
My dad used to tell me that he and mom found me by the side of the Santa Ana freeway
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