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I belived that children were a gift from God. Therefore, I also belived that God hated my neighbor, Betty, because she had a baby every year and after each birth she would state,"if I have another child it will kill me."

Katheryn Mathews
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When I was really little and starting asking my mother where babies came from she told me they came from dust. I came up the stairs one day and my mother was vacuuming under her bed. I started screaming and crying because I thought she was killing bunches of babies.

Sharon O'Neil
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I must had heard wrongly at dinner conversations when I had started to believe that the eggs packed and sold in our tiny farm were laid by my mother and sisters. My nanny had even told me she was too old to lay eggs. My older brother had told me people bought them to have babies. So what about the eggs we ate - he had invented theories about several mechanisms used to differentiate between edible and child bearing eggs. One dinner I insisted so believing they were all denying, in conspiracy to hide this secret from me. My brother denied having told me anything.
So, at about six years of age, I agreed and my father woke me up early the next morning to watch the chicken lay eggs.

silly me
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I used to believe that when my stomach growled I was pregnant with kittens and I could hear them purring!

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I used to believe babies came from the supermarket.

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we used to tell my younger brother that if you ate watermelon seeds then a watermelon would grow in your stomach so he figured to grow a baby in your stomach you had to eat baby seeds.

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when my mom was pregnant with my younger sister, I asked her if she would come out naked. She said Yes and I told her to swallow some underwear so she wouldn't be seen naked.

garcia b
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I used to believe that babies were born wearing clothes - a red top and denim shorts.

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I had a very sophisticated idea of how babies got here when I was 7.

Every baby starts as a vegetable. You can tell what veggie people's mommies' ate to get them by what they looked like. I had been a string bean and other people were peas and others yet carrots and celery, etc. This only happens when the mommy eats the vegetable and is in love with a daddy and they decide they want a baby.

And I proceded to tell everyone who'd listen and one evening took all my 16 year old sister's male friends one by one in private and told them exactly how they came to be. Needless to say, she was mortified. What veggie were YOU?

The ironic thing is I always hated vegetables. lol

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When a friend of mine was little, he used to think that babies came from supermarkets.

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My dad was stationed in Thailand during Vietnam, and when he came back, he had a photograph of himself holding a blonde monkey. He told me that I looked just like the monkey when I was a baby, so until I was 9 or 10, I believed that we were all born monkeys, then turned human when we got older.

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i used to believe that only humans got pregnant by having sex. sheep just magically became pregnant.

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I used to believe that babies were bought from shops, and that when my parents told everybody that I was eight pounds three, they meant that was how much they paid for me. I believed that until I was about 7 or 8. Yes, I'm still a muppet!

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Babies were delivered in a suitcase-not by a stork, that would be too dangerous!
Until I was 6 I thought the mid-wife brought the baby in her big bag and the mother just got fat because she wouldn't have time to cook or eat.

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When I got kissed by a boy the first time (at 8 years old) I didn't know you had to have sex to get pregnant. My mom was pregnant with my brother then, and so I figured that was how she got pregnant. So, for weeks and weeks I worried that my belly was going to pooch out like hers and that she would know a boy had kissed me! It wasn't until I asked her how many times you had to kiss a boy before you got pregnant that she explained the *real* birds and bees to me!

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I thought that girls would poop and they could choose any poop to become a baby, and they would do something to it and it would become a baby. I didn't know about sex yet.

I was born a poop
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When I was young, I was always fascinated with babies. As I grew older (maybe 5 or 6), I realized that most babies were breast fed. I somehow came to the conclusion that dark skin mothers produce chocolate milk and light skin mothers produce vanilla milk... Than I was bold enough to ask, and felt dumb... Lol

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When i started at school as a five year old I was very precocious as I could already read well etc. I had read all about sex and so proceeded to tell all the otyher kids how babies were made. Although it was the truth not a single one believed me and my friend Martin told me there was no way his mum would have let his dad do anything like that.

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When I was little, I thought when you had a baby shower, a mother got into a shower while she was pregnant. Then everyone would wait till she came out then clap.

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When people talk about sex, they call it "The Birds and the Bees". As a little kid, I was very confused. How could two animals of different species have babies?

Jessica Tinch
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