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I used to belive that babys came from mothercare and if you were bad your mum could take u back for a refund!
my parents used to tell me that babies grew in fields, and people collected them.
I was told by a friend that after a woman had a boy she couldn't have any more kids, and since her youngest sibling was a boy and I only had a younger brother, I believed it.
When I was about 5 I found my mother's book "What to Expect When You're Expecting" and I was fascinated by everything in it. Something got lost in translation, however, because I thought a trimester was a doctor's appointment you had to go to three times when you were pregnant. Well, my neighbor was pregnant, and one day my mother asked if I'd seen her, and I said, "No...maybe she had to go to her trimester today." That gave her a good laugh.
When I was little, I did what ever little kid does. I asked Mommy and Daddy "where do babies come from?" and of course I get the "a crane drops them off when Mommy and Daddy are ready for a baby." Silly me, I actually believed them until I knew for sure! HAHA!
I used to believe the number of kids people had was the number of times they've had sex
My mom used to say that having children costs a lot of money, so I believed that if you got a baby you' d have to go to the bank and pay money for it...
one time i told my little cousin " she has a baby in her belly" he said " why did she eat him"
I knew the basic idea of intercourse, but for a LONG time thought that the woman got pregnant because the man peed inside her.....
When I was around 6-7, I would often watch the grinch, and it showed how Babies came from umbrellas in the sky, so that was always how I used to think people had babies... I found out how people actually had babies when I was around 8. (I'm 13 now ^^)
When I was little I believed that women got pregnant completely by random. It wasn't a choice... it just happened. Also, when you gave birth, the baby came out your foot.
When I was in kindergarten, a boy in my class told me that girls didn't have penises because they got cut off in a war. I believed him for the longest time until I asked my mother about it one day and she just laughed at me.
I used to believe that people made babies by making out, and never dreamed of a penis going anywhere near a vagina.
Before I found out what sex was (by going to the library and reading about it)... I thought that you could only have a child if you got married. I thought God put a cell in the woman's body that would grow once she went through the whole wedding ceremony thing... boy was I wrong
I was babystitting these kids and we were watching look whos talking. And as u probably know they show the sperm swimming to the egg. Well the 6 year old asks what that (sperm) and I thought it wasn't my job to tell them. That I might get in trouble if I did. So I said oh there just boogers
I used to believe that to have a baby you only had to pray really hard.
I used to think that u made babies by making them with play-doh. I had a dream that made me think this.
i used to believe that a girl could have a baby from sleeping beside a boy in the same bed. my parents used to let us kids sleep with them in their beds. well when i was old enough to sleep in my own bed my younger brother and sister had to sleep with my parents. i told my sister that if she slept in the same bed with my brother she would have a baby. she cried, i got in trouble
I use to beleive as a child that you could look down a pregnant womans shirt and see the baby.
when a man inserted his penis from behind i thought it went into the anus instead of the vagina!
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