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My young (14years??) nephew thought that fertilised chicken eggs were made by the rooster going around and sitting on the eggs and "injecting" them. My farm-wise son put him right, however he insisted for some time that his mother had agreed this "was probably how it happened". I think that might be a lesson in listening to your children properly.
I used to believe that when a man and woman had sex one of the man's balls went into the woman and the baby grew from it. Therefore I thought you could only have 2 kids. I thought that people that had more than 2 kids had stolen/bought one from someone else.
My mum's version of the birds and the bees was: "The guy puts his juice into the girl." So for years I had this picture of my dad pouring orange juice - not apple, which was yucky - into my mum's mouth. I imagined different flavours of juice would produce different kind of kids.
A friend told me about this one:
She asked her Mum one day about babies were 'made'. Her mother replied that she and my friend's father had thought about it a lot and decided they both wanted to have a baby. The next day at school my friend told our whole group or six yeard old buddies that what had to be done to get a baby was think about it very hard at exactly the same time.The trick to is was that you couldn't discuss it. This synchronicity of mind could only be achieved by two people who loved eachother very much. I believed it, too.
To explain my new baby sister, I was told she came from The Baby Shop. They gave me a big box of Duplo and said that this was from my sister. I thought they had got a special deal, Buy a Baby, Get Free Toys!! (My mum sold the duplo when I got older, I was really sad, I wanted to keep three figures from the set.)
I used to believe women became pregnant by eating pimento olives.
When I was very, very small, I used to think that babies were carried throughout the mother's lifetime; from the moment she, herself was born, until her child was born from her. And how did the new baby know when to be born? (Our child's intellect we should all wish to retain at least a spinter of) Of course: the baby arrived when it heard the WEDDING BELLS!
When I was little, I believed that babies were born with clothes on. Once I was playing a game with my brother--I was having a baby--my Betsy-Wetsy doll. My brother said I had to take the doll's clothes off. I was shocked. He said, "But babies are born naked!" I refused to believe him, until my mother confirmed it.
I was told that the angels brought babies to the Mothers in the Nursing Home. I asked how they knew to get babies who looked like the mothers. My Mum told me that the angels looked at the mothers and matched babies to them . I wanted blonde babies , so decided I would dye my dark hair before I went to this obviously holy place to fetch a baby home!
I believed that babys really were found under a cabbage bush at the bottom of the garden, as a child the film Mrs Wiggs and the cabbage patch kids was all the go.
When my sister was little, she believed that women had babies and men had poodles!
When i was a child and we are talking very young, i asked the classic where am i from question. my mother,told me that she found me under a cabbage leaf in a vegetable patch. this led me bing a 80s child to belive that i might be the real cabbage patch kid.
When I was 7 I broke my arm and went to the hospital for a cast. After the cast was put on
I asked when do I get my baby? Everyone laughed when I asked that and I didn't know why.
You see, I was 4 when my mother cut her finger and it was bleeding and they took her to
the hospital and after a few days when she came home she had my baby brother with her.
So I just new that any time a girl went to the hospital they gave her a baby when she left to
come home.
When I was 4, my mom was pregnant with my little sister. At first I told them that they couldn't have the baby--I was the baby of the family afterall, and I wasn't about to be replaced! But I ended up really wanting to have a little sister, and got really protective of her when she was still inside my mom. As my mom was nearing the end of her pregnancy and was really showing (this was probably in the last 4 weeks before she had her), I insisted on going to into the bathroom with my mom every time that she needed to use the toilet. I was really afraid that if she wasn't careful, the baby would fall out and she would flush the toilet and not realize that she had lost the baby! So every time she was done, I made her let me check the toilet to make sure the baby wasn't in there before she could flush! (All in all, I really can't believe my mom put up with me!)
I used to think that if a black woman or man and a white woman or man had a baby, it would be Asian.
I wsa in the library one day when I was 9 and really bored. So, I found this kiddie book that said "Where Babies Come From". Since I had been pestering my mom to tell me, I figured I'd just read it and know. It was a story about this boy arguing with this girl to how mommies and daddies made babies. Well, further on, the boy's parents explain it to him, and I was completely digusted! I was scared that I would get in trouble for reading it, so I found a bean bag chair, unzipped it and stuffed the book in the middle of it. I dont' think the library ever found that book, and I never looked @ my parents the same.
I used to believe that there are 2 steps to have a child. First a couple need to be married. Then they need to kiss each other at a period of time. When the amount of kissing is enough, the baby will bursted in the air and fall into your hands. (Guess I played The Sims too much :D)
When I was little girl, I used to believe that when you ate a seed of a fruit you would get pregnant.
Until my aunt had a child when she was allergic to fruit.
I used to believe that men had baby boys and women had baby girls.
When I was little I asked my parents were babies came from, I was told that when they decided to have me, they simply went to the hospital with a bowl of flour and then the people at the hospital made me, the sad thing is that I believed them!
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