rude bits
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I thought penis was spelled "penus" like the planet Venus. I figured out the brutal truth in 7th grade health :/ .
For some reason my parents used the word “teeny” for boobs. I never heard anyone else use that word, so even though l knew what it referred to; l was convinced it was a bad word. So, l saw a movie where a girl was nicknamed Teeny and l thought it was terrible they named her that
I thought that masturbating was another word for pooping so whenever I’d hear the word ‘masturbate’ I imagined someone taking a dump
Church wasn't mandatory in my family, so I rarely went. I had a bible and thought "Titus" was pronounced "tit-us. I was trying to talk about Titus and my mother said, "You better not be saying tits!" I was ten and didn't know what a tit was. Now eleven years later I laugh at this!
When I discovered a pearlescent green camo… adult plaything, I thought it was some kind of clown’s tool or a massager. I knew not to use it, though, and put it away.
I watched Family Guy as a tween and there is an episode where Chris is on a diet and has to eat vegetables. Chris complains, and Stewie tells him he should try it because it's "orgasmic". Stewie takes a bite and says, "Oh yes! YES!" I figured "orgasmic" was a funny way of saying "organic".
When I was little I asked my mother if her bra was a flotation device for swimming (like life jackets). My Grandma was over at the time and she thought it was hilarious!
I used to think that both sexes had penises, which were only used to urinate. So I once made my Amy Rose doll have a “wee-wee”, ss in her tail folded over to serve as a “wee-wee”, which I assumed was the proper term. I also assumed the balls had no function, before later absorbing Internet memes and assuming the balls had an excretory function. I also managed to jerk off via sheer luck.
For years, I thought that the "balls" on a penis were on the tip. I believed this well into my teenage years.
top belief!
When I was a little girl, I thought all babies came from 'China' (a Vagina)
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My friend told me that if i stick my peepee out in public and tell people to suck on my peepe i will never get grounded, Unfortunatly i did get grounded and no tv for a Week
I used to think the scrotum was the pee hole on a boy and I thought it looked like a big vagina. But then when I saw the anatomy I looked at it in disbelief.
For the longest time the only penises I had ever seen were my brothers' when their diapers got changed or they took baths. And I didn't have any confusion about it because my brothers had always been in my life, with one being my twin. I figured they all looked just like that if they were boy's parts. Years later, finding out about circumcision, I was totally disgusted. I yelled at my mom saying "How could you cut it off! That's not fair! You wouldn't cut anything off of me!" I cried for like an hour over the whole thing. To me it was just as wrong as cutting someone's finger off. To this day I still think it's sort of cruel.
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After playing doctor with a neighbor girl I observed the anatomical differences between the genders. I remember thinking that a girl's vagina was like a secret pocket and that it would be a great place to hide cookies. Lol, decades later I mentioned this to my wife and she said I was gross.
My grandmother thought nuns were a separate gender. After all, nobody else wore nuns' habits.
top belief!
Back when I was going through puberty, my grandmother gave me a "what's happening with my body?" book which had information both on male and female bodies. Being a curious young girl who was also getting to be "that age," I naturally read all the stuff about boys' bits. One part was a section on circumcision, which had a crude illustration of two boys showering in a locker room, one with a penis drawn smoothly and one with a penis drawn with a little tip. The accompanying text described the foreskin as a "hood", but didn't really specify which boy in the picture was which. Since the book talked about uncircumsized boys first, and since the boy with the tipped penis was on the left and thus first, AND since the tip looked a bit like the hood of a jacket, I assumed that he was supposed to be the uncircumsized one. I pictured the foreskin as a big fleshy lump on the tip of a penis! It wasn't until much, much later that I realized I'd had it completely backwards!
top belief!
During sex ed in high school, one of my classmates asked our teacher why condoms have flavors and if you were supposed to eat them. My teacher didn't know what to say at first but eventually said that you were supposed to use it like a lollipop. I don't think my classmate got it, though.
I'm female, and once upon a time I thought a penis was the size of a finger, flimsy and skinny.
I became terrified of them when I realized they were much bigger than that...
my 4 year old brother once saw my 5 year old sister peeing and, since he didn't know that girls did not have a penis, asked his mom "why is she peeing from her butt?"
I used to think you could lose your boobs if you ate too much beef, so I became a vegetarian.
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