rude bits
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I remember when a friend of mine and I were flipping through a handbook and we came across an illustration of the human skeleton. He said, "That must be a girl, there is no peter." (penis)
(I thought he was right)
top belief!
When I was about 8 I didn't know what sex was exactly. I didn't know about orgasms or that sex made babies for that matter! I had seen my mom naked before and I knew that girls had hair down there. I always said to myself that I wanted the girl's panties to be on when I had sex because I didn't want to have to touch that icky hair!
top belief!
I remember trying to describe my vaginal itch as a little kid (4 or 5 maybe) as 'little ladies in high heels walking around'.
My family managed to keep a straight face, even after I named the women and would talk to them whenever the vaginal itch came back.
top belief!
Until I was 13, I believed that the instant a boy got aroused he would spray semen everywhere. In swim class, I refused to get close to the boys (who everyone could see were suddenly very interested in us girls in our bathing suits...) just in case they sprayed at me.
Having found some books about sex when I was ten or so, I read the word "pubic" and mistook it for "public." Believe me, that was very confusing!
top belief!
well i had a friend who saw a statue that had a fig leaf where its provate should be and then one day in teh fall i said to her "isnt it neat how teh leaves fall off of trees?" and she replied" yeah, but i feel bad for guys! their privates fall off cause theyre leaves too!" we never let her live it down!
In 5th grade we had to watch a video about puberty, but only for our gender. The video was very unclear and I thought that wet dreams ment that boys started to wet the bed again as they got older.
top belief!
Having never seen a naked man except for statues, I believed their private parts were shaped like a leaf. Needless to say, I was quite surprised to find out I was mistaken.
top belief!
When I was little, I used to believe that when you turned into a grown-up you had to have boobs and makeup. (I am a girl). When I started puberty...I had no clue about pubic hair. Unfortunately my older brother Chase said that you only grow hair there when a boy likes you and wants to kiss you or when you are about to die. When I was 12 I started sprouting pubic hair and I just found out at school. I ran into the nurses room and I yelled: I DONT WANT TO DIE. The nurse looked confused and then I told her everything. She said, no silly you only grow hair there when you are ready for the talk. Then she told me everything. I was so stunned and when I walked home I told my brother what happened. He had his boxers on. I said YOU HAVE A PENIS??!?!?!? He sarcastically said no, because my friends were there. I rolled my eyes and said he did, then we had an argument. Then he finally said PROVE IT. so I did, I pulled down his boxers and my friends and I saw EVERYTHING he was 14.
top belief!
When I was in second grade we were learning about octopus. We all had to write 3 sentences on what we liked about octopus. when it was my turn I proudly said: I like how they ink to protect themselves. I also like that they eat with their eyes. And i love their big wiggly tesitcles. I really meant to say tenticles.
top belief!
When I was about 8 years old, and having just gone swimming in the cold lake (which we lived right next to), I went to the bathroom and noticed that my penis and testicles had shrunk CONSIDERABLY. I guess I hadn't really paid much attention to my penis before that age, since I didn't know that after cold swims male testicles tend to shrink up (which of course is a biolgoical function to keep them the right temperature).
Anyhow, when I saw my shrunken penis and testicles, I was absolutely mortified that my penis was going to disappear and that I was turning into a girl. I didn't say anything but I remember praying that I wasnn't going to turn into a girl.
After a few weeks I realized my penis was back to it's normal size and I wasn't turning into a girl.
My older sister always complained that she hated her big boobs and told me that I would hate them. So that scared me alot! She told me that if i wanted to prevent boobs, whenever I go to sleep I would sleep on my tummy cross my arms over my chest to squish my boobs from ever coming out. It worked! I am as flat as board and I never have to complain about the pain or buying any bras yay!
I am a female. I used to believe that I was part male, cause I'd look between my legs and see a tiny "penis"... It turned out it was just a clit ;-)
I once saw a guy after he was playing a long game of volleyball... He was quite sweaty and the cloth his shorts were made of got dark if wet... His crotch area was darker... I honestly believed that that was the first time I saw a man "cum"...
I used to think that there was a bulge in a guy's underwear because their penis had to be all rolled up in a bunch...
When I was a little girl, I thought that my clitoris was a carrot piece or a pea that had gotten stuck there. I used to try to lean down and bite it off.. imagine my relief when I learned what it was that I never made it down that far!
top belief!
When i was younger (7 or 8) i went to the cinema with my mum. we were in the bathroom and as the door had no lock on it she asked me to hold it shut for her. i accidentally let go of the door as my mum was inserting a tampon. i thought this was a condom and the next day told everyone that i had seen my mum having sex with herself in the toilet
i used to think that viginas were a type of food that you eat
when i was little i wished i had boobs like my mom so in the bath every time i had a toy watering can and filled it with water and watered my chest and said they would grow to be like moms...well mom said yea they would so i kept on doing it...guess wat it didnt work!
When I was little I overheard older kids taking about "pubi-cares" (as I heard it). I thought it was some sort of medicine for teenagers!!
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