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top belief!
Until I was in college, I truly believed I had three testicles.
For most of my life I was self-conscious about my body because I was so obviously different. From an early age, I knew people should only have two, yet I very clearly appeared to have three. I was so self-conscious, in fact, that I never spoke to anyone about it or asked anyone if it was a problem.
While in college, I began to have acute pain in my abdomen. I found I could lie on my back and the pain would eventually subside. I also noticed that my "third testicle" seemed to disappear during this exercise. I did a little research and came up with a theory that needed proof. The problem became progressively worse, interfering with my daily routine and studies. I sought medical attention, and the (now obvious) diagnosis was made:
I had been born with a hernia that had never been caught.
I didn't know what my clitoris was until I was 15 and I did some reading. I'd touch it a lot when I'd masturbate and I knew it felt good, but I thought it was my urethra for some reason.
I have 4 kids, the two youngest being my boys, who are 4 and 6. Well, recently my 4-year-old interrupted my husband in the bathroom and commented, to anyone who would listen, that his stepdad "had a BIIIIIIG wee-wee!"
This was followed by him wondering about MY body parts, and so he asked me if I "had a big wee-wee." I had to explain to him that "Girls' wee-wees don't stick out." Fortunately he accepted this.
Finally, he got to the point of showing off his penis to me, saying, "When I get big; I'll have a big wee-wee!"
This was followed immediately by him pointing to his scrotum, and asking "What are these for, Mommy?" Fortunately his older brother overheard this and came to my rescue. Very calmly he explained to his brother: "That's where your pee-seeds are. The pee-seeds make pee, and then it comes out your wee-wee." Since he was half right, I decided to let the matter stand for now.
top belief!
My grandma told me that when she was little she didn't know anything about puberty. She used to live on a farm and always ride horses. So one day she started crying and freaking out because she though the horses hairs got stuck ummm...down there.
When i was 3 i ran out and showed my mom my drawing of (what i thought of it as) a penis. I was so confused when she started dying with luaghter. now that i see the picture, its a long string with a big ball on the end. --------------o
top belief!
Whe i was a little kid, I though that getting a circumsision was just another word for getting your kid neuterd. I believed that parentd did this so that their kids couldn't have babies too young. (I thought it would grow back in about 10 years or so.)
I used to think that I was a boy cuz I was too little to like boys yet, and I didn't know what a boys "privates" looked like. So naturally, I assumed that they looked like a vagina. I soon found out the truth aster seeing my friend and her little sis naked. Lol!
I never thought there was any such thing as "pubic hair" When I was 10 I started getting some and was afraid that it would grow as long as my regular hair and I would have to braid it and use shampoo!
top belief!
I was really mean to my little brother, constantly giving him the pants pull down, taking off his swim trunks in the pool and telling my whole family about it. So i guess he wanted revenge when he took my top off of my bikini. When he saw me i guess he thought i had over grown testicles in the wrong spot.
One day my brother came out of the shower with a towel over his parts as he always did. This time the towel came off and I was shocked at what I saw. I thought guys only had a penis, never heard or saw testicles. So when i asked him about it he said it was to store sperm and when u get hit there it hurts. I said ok and gave hima hard punch right there!!! For all those times he made fun me. I certainly got my revenge!
I used to think having a boner just meant having a penis hehe.
top belief!
When I was little I played with an older boy who taught me the word vagina but didnt tell me what it was. For some reason, I associated this word with 'china' and assumed THAT to be the chandalliers in a lamp shop my family visited one day. Loud as I could I pointed to the chandalliers and said " Look at all the Vaginas!" My parents started howling laughing and took me out of the store, confused as I was, to explain what a vagina was.
in bout the 6th grade, my friend was jokeing around and called me a dill hole...i didnt say it aloud, but at first i thought it had to do with a dill wasnt till later when i actually found out what it meant
OK. this is probably the WEIRDEST sex belief you have ever heard! when I was very young, I would have to take baths with my two older sisters. They are about 3 years older than me (twins) and when I was younger I wondered why they had different ... parts... than me and they said that I was the only one in the entire world who had a penis. Now, I never remember being very shocked about this because they probably put it in my mind at a very early stage, so it never concerned me. Ans it was all well and good for a long time. My sisters would always make fun of me now and then even when I was about 10! i don't really know how it neve rgot back to mom and dad! If they had known they would have told me the truth! I eventualy found out the truth when I was in third grade and I saw someone elses equipment in the bathroom. I guess I had never considered how other boys could pee standing up when my sister had to pee sitting down with their equipment that I thought everyone had! Now, when I saw this, I wasn't shocked, it all made sense! When I went home, i told them that I found out and I told my parents too! They didn't get in trouble, because I don't think mom and dad understood me, but to this day they tell me of how they wanted to keep that up until I was a teenager! I'm glad I caught it first!
When I was around seven years old and lived back in CA where most of my family is, my younger cousin and my aunt came to visit us for a few hours. They told me to go into my room with her and play, so she brought her Barbies along and we were just playing with them, when she took out this plastic girl-doll that I guess was made to look like it was pregnant. You could even open up the belly (it snapped on and off) and take out a little plastic baby. Well, the little plastic baby was obviously a boy and had a little plastic penis on it. My mom always told me not to let girls see me naked and stuff, so I got scared that she wasn't supposed to see boy parts, and took it and flushed it down the toilet. I still don't know why she had a doll like that.
top belief!
When I was seven I used to think that a penis was detachable. So once me and my older brother were fighting and I threatened to take his penis off and steal it. He told me that I couldn't do that. Well one night he was asleep in his boxers and I snuck into his room and tried to remove his penis. Needless to say that night I learned that penises are not detachable. My brothers screaming and anger told me that. I also learned how much it hurts to be thrown off the bed backwards and hit my head on the wall.
until we learned the words for body parts in kindergarten, i assigned them my own functional names. butt/anus was "pooper," vagina was
"pee-er" and the general throat/mouth area was "thrower-upper." i got sick alot when i was a kid and before puking i'd tell my mom apprehensibly that "my thrower-upper feels funny..." blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhgh
I used to believe that sexual organs didn't depend on gender, but on what family you were in. To this day, I SWEAR when my friend and her brother were running around naked, my very girly friend had a penis.
Up until I was ablout 15 I thought testicals were on top of the penis. It only made sense to me.
top belief!
When I was 6 or 7 i tought that when my breasts started growing they would never stop, i think it's cos all my family and my neighbours were quite heavy and as a result most adults had large chests, i was so scared that one day i told my mum about it and i said something like "When my boobs grow can we move house so I have space to move around without knocking the fish tank over?" So unbelievably random!!!
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