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top belief!
My sister use to belive the reason mom had two breasts - one to give milk, the other for juice.
I used to think women only had one 'hole' where all bodily functions and kids came out of!
When I was in the First year at High School My friend Pete and I were discussing certain body parts and he told me that the male sex organ was called the Pelvis and the female sex organ was known as the Virgin. Thankfully our Biology teacher eventually put us right.
wen i was about 4-5 i saw a vagina and thout that someone cut off their penis (i am a guy)
top belief!
i have a twin brother i used to take baths with and i believed (untill i was about 5) that i didn't have a penis because a dog bit it idea how i got that
top belief!
I used to believe that a boy's penis came out of his bellybutton, so you couldn't see it all the time.
When I was very young, I used to believe that my clit would grow into a penis...I was positive it was the beginning of one, and thought all girls turned into boys.
Why some people had an "in-y" versus an "out-y" bellybutton really confused me. Because I never saw a female with an "out-y", I surmised males grew a new "part" out of their stomachs and it was all part of their growing process. Imagine my shock when I saw boys with their stomachs showing!
I didn't know I a separate orifice for my urethra until I was 12. I always had thought that my urethra emptied urine into my vagina and then exitted my body.
Also, I didn't know what my "private parts" were called until I was 6 years old. How unfair. My brother had a penis, but my whatever-it-was had no name. Then it took me a few years to sort out the difference between a vulva and a vagina
My 6 year old daughter walked in on my 4 year old son while he was peeing. He had retracted his foreskin and my daughter thought his penis was a tube of lipstick!
top belief!
I went to a museum and saw a statue of a naked man, then I saw a book that had a picture of a reproduction of the same statue, only there was a leaf over his cock. I thought that they made a different version of it for some other kind of guy. So until I was 11 I thought that some men had penises that were shaped like maple leaves.
i used to think that my penis would get hard because there was a piece of wood that grew whenever i got a boner. lol. i belived this until i was in the 3rd grade.
When I was 3 years old I was standing in my parents' bathroom. My father had just gotten out of the shower and my mom said, "Look, honey, that is daddy's body." I pointed to his penis and said, "dobby". From that point on all penises were dobbies. I never understood why my friends didn't know what they were. And then eons later,to top it all off, Harry Potter's house elf was named Dobby. Imagine my amusement hearing Harry yell, "Bad dobby!."
top belief!
When I was a teenager my girlfriend corrected me, when I asked her about her libido, stating emphatically that girls don't have libidos. Years later we started dating again, and in fact are married to this day. All I can say is somewhere along the way she fortunately found that women certainly do have libidos.
when i was little, i knew that boys had penis and girls had vaginas. but i thought all the adults had penis, so when the little girls reached a certain age, we would grow into them and then be like everyone else!
I used to think that the male body part (penis) was inside their balls! I used to think that if you squeezed the balls it was unravell and all come out! It wasnt until i saw my older brother naked was when i realised that it was always there!
top belief!
When we were little, my sisters and I would call our vaginas "pinkies," as in "My pinky is down there." Well, I don't call it "pinky" anymore! Imagine my surprise when I heard a schoolteacher say, "Use your pinky [finger]. . .!"
I used to believe (ca. age 7-8) that everybody had a penis. I searched and searched a girl who I was babysat with to no avail....
top belief!
My father didn't realize I was sitting in the living room when I was age 5. He opened the bathroom door naked, saw me, and sprinted for the bedroom. All I saw were a bunch of fleshy things bobbing up and down. For years I thought that men had 3 penises. I used to wonder if they could only urinate out of one or if they could pick which one to use!
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