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I used to think that the clitoral hood was the vagina (I was not actually aware of the prescence of a hole there). When I was 9, I had a yeast infection, and so I described the itching as being, "behind my vagina," so the doctors assumed I was ashamed to say, "anus" and thought I had pinworms. Itchy.

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When I was little, I saw the other girls naked all the time, but never the boys so I just assumed that both sexes had female parts. I was pretty surprised when I walked in on my male friend peeing.

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When I was about 9 I knew that a man's penis had to go into a woman's vagina, however I couldn't work out how it could get in there if it was all floppy!

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I used to believe that a guy would "get hard" every month like a woman would get her period.

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upon being 6 i discovered my penis going hard. at school the next day i asked my teacher"does your willie go hard ?"(baring in mind she was fe-male)
she took me into the hall with an hour long lecture about the birds and the bees im still embarrassed to this day

james \m/!!*_*!!\m/
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After walking into a bathroom to find a man with an erect penis in there (doing what, I dont know), I ran out, terrified, convinced that this man had a hairy elephants trunck sticking out of his crotch area, possibly, I wasn't sure, with two little beady eyes on the end if it (must have seen the one little hole and imagined it as two)!!!! Even though I had already seen male 'parts' before, they had just been of other little boys my age, so it looked rather different. I was convinced that when boys grew up their willies morphed into rock-hard elephants truncks which were alive, with eyes and a mind and consciousness of their own!

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I used to think that a girl or woman could grow a penis at anytime on any place of their body, be it their head, their chin, their arm, their knee, whatever, and that they ranged in size from tinsy tinsy tiny (in which case women would try to disguise it with make-up and make it seem like it was just a little spot or something) to 'fully grown' size.

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When I was little, I used to take baths with my little brother. I thought his penis looked like my mom's lipstick so I asked him why he stole it and attached it there.

He told me he didn't know.

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I was a really little girl, and didn't know about a man's "man-sword," so when I saw a little boy at my nursery camp with his pants down, and later, my baby boy cousin getting a diaper change, I thought they looked like that down there because they had a DISEASE -- that my body was the way bodies were supposed to look, and my campmate and my cousin had a disease. This was before I read a book on reproduction and learned the truth. (I still didn't think the appendage was very pretty) Now, when I love a guy, I think his WHOLE BODY is beautiful, top to toe, including his mighty man-sword and those two tender "huevos"

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When I was 10 or so I tried to work out in my mind where exactly pubic hair grows. I was worried for a little while that it would grow inside my vulva, but my main concern was with men's penises. I didn't know men had testicles, so I guessed that their pubic hair grew all over their dicks. I didn't think sex with a hair-covered penis sounded too good, so I was relieved when I learned the truth.

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When I was a little boy, I was horified by my penis turning hard. I thought there was a bone growing inside.

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My 2 year old son asked me about his penis. We explored our penises a bit and I told him as much as I thought he would understand.
A few days later he told my wife, she is not to wory for having no penis, because breasts were a female penis.

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when i was 5, (I'm female) I saw sum guy peeing cuz i remember in the kindergarten classroom there was a bathroom in it and then the dooor swung open and i saw him peeing standing up and i was so confused so then i tried and peed all over the floor in the bathrom in the classroom and i started crying and i told my teacher y i was crying and the while class laughed at...they still won't let me live it down...

Also when i was 7 i saw my clit and i thought it was a penis and i thought i was really a boy and no one knew it!

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I used to believe that everyone was born with a penis, only that when parents wanted a girl they would chop the penis off when they were born, which is what I believed my mum must have done to me! I was annoyed that she had made such an important decision, what gender I would be, without even consulting me first!

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i used to think that boys penises were hotdogs(i tried to eat one once when i was five!) and that big girls breasts were used to slap bad guys...i believed this until i was around thirteen and tried to slap a guy that tried to make a move on me with my breasts(i finally figured out they like that!)

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When I was about 6 or 7 I saw my mom changing her shirt. I was so scared that I would grow up and have 'blisters' on my breasts too since we were releated.

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I used to believe that any room with the sign PRIVATE on it was full of private parts. Even though I wasn't too sure what they would look like, all strung up with no people attached to them.

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i have a friend that used to believe that the penis and semen were the same thing. So i guess the penis would just come off and the guy would only get to have sex once in his life! So weird.

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When I was about 7 years old, my friend and I played house. He was the baby and I was the mother, and I ordered him to to take a bath. He stripped naked, and I saw his penis (the first one I had seen). I had learned that boys had a penis and what it looked like, but I never was told about testicles. I saw his testicles and thought they were another penis. From then on I thought boys had two penises!

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When I was 11, I thought that as soon as a man became aroused, semen came out all the time until he wasnt aroused anymore! This is what a boy at school told me!

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