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i knew waaaay too much as a kid. i used to think when you were circumsized( i think i spelled that right) you had the part of the penis that made sperms cut off. my brother had that happen when he was very young. i always wondered why my parents left all the making grandchildren business up to me. that always made me mad.
When I was 18, a friend and I were hiking and we stopped to piss. He was amazed when I pulled back my foreskin to pee. He thought that circumcision was the removal of the head of the penis, and that he was uncut and I was cut, because, after all, the only visible part of my penis was the skin.
top belief!
I had a double hernia operation when I was 1 year old. Later when I was about 5, my older brother explained my scars to me. He said the doctors took an old dead man's testicles and replaced them into my scrotum sack. I believed him and ran crying to mom.
I remember in 1st Grade, the little girl and I would always be together at recess. One day she told me that she had this hole under her belly button and if you put your finger in it, it got bigger. She told me that is where the babies came from and that it was called your bachina. I also thought you peed out of the "bachina" too.
I remember when I was really little, I was taking a bath with my little brother and my cousin, Allie, at my grandma's house. I remember my little brother then saying, "Mom, why doesn't Allie have a pee-pee?" I didn't know either!
top belief!
i used to believe little girls had the same equipment as little boys (i must have dreamed this) but that it was just tucked inside and they pulled it out when they needed to use it.
top belief!
When i was younger i had a dog and my mum had told me if its tail was waving it was happy. When i was 4 i had a new baby brother, one day i wotched my mum change his diaper and i noticed a sort of tail type thing, from then on i always checked to see if his tail (penis) was waving to know wether he was happy.
i used to belief, when i was around 4-10, that i had a left "nut" when my older sister sed that every woman grows one.
top belief!
As a boy, I used to have to take baths with my sisters. I used to believe that they were holding their penises between their legs, afraid to show them.
When I was little I used to call vaginas triangles and one day I told my brother that I had a triangle and he told me he had one too so I was super confused until I learned that guys had penises and girls had vaginas
top belief!
When I was young I used to think that you lost your virginity if you got kicked in the tesitcals.
top belief!
When I was 16, I thought the reason boys had foreskin was to keep them from having sex, and that they didn't get circumsized until after they got married. Kind of like having a "wrapped" present...
we were just sitting around one night talking and what not, and the story of how loud my brother screamed when he was circumsised cam up. well he got really mad that no one had never told him that he was circusised. i still don't know to this day if he knows what it really means. He was 11 then and 13 now.
top belief!
I used to believe that a hand job was when a girl did stuff to a guys hand...u know, kiss it lick it masage it, wutevr. I could never figure out what was so good about it.
top belief!
i used to think that the umbilical cord was attached to the penis so the size of your penis depended on where the cors was cut.
I used to think that oral sex was talking verbally dirty about sex to each other. It wasn't until I was in high school that someone corrected me.
One of my guy friends in 4th grade was talking about "boners", and he asked me if I had boners. Not knowing what the hell he was talking about, but not wanting to say so, I said I did (I'm a girl). To this day I think he probably knew that I didn't have a clue what I was talking about, even though I assured him emphatically that I did.
you know those marble statues with the naked people? well,i seen one of a guy in a book, and at the time,i knew about penises,but not testicles or anything else. so when i seen this marble statue with his nuts hanging out i thought it was like a mistake or a i remeber telling my sister and her friend,who were older by 3 and 2 years about the statue and i asked how guys could have sex with those things under there?it would have been very hard...
As a boy I only ever saw my Mum naked (in the bath) Because of that I thought only Females had pubic hair. At school two boys were holding hand brushes to their pubic area pretending they had pubes, I laughed at them and called them sissys!
When I started to grow pubes a few years later,they reminded me of it in the school showers
Well, sometime during lunch, (in the 2nd grade or so) I mentioned the word "pussy cat"; (thinking that it ment something similiar to being a push-over, etc)A girl named Sara accused me of saying a bad word and I continued to believe so as well until later on.
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