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when i was 17 i had my first sexual experience with my boyfriend, and i was very surprise to find out that pubic hair doesn't grow on the penis, like i had thought, it was only on the balls.

at least my bf was only 14 so he didn't laugh at me because he knew even less about sex than i did. lol.

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i was 12 years old the first time i masturbated, and was so shocked to realize that my finger could actually be inserted into my vagina. i was very happy to discover that too, because before then i couldn't understand how people had sex because it had never occured to me that the penis could actually go inside the vagina.

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When I was little(about 4 or 5ish) I saw this cool pink balloon lookin' type thing with a white "squirter" on the end on the bathtub while I was bathing. I thought it was one of my mom's cool adult bath toys. I just kept fillin that balloon up with water and squirting it on my head and I had the grandest time with that. I realized several years later that the balloon I had so much fun with was a douche bag. Mom got a good laugh...

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When I was about 6 or 7 I use to belive that boys or [men] did'nt have booty's only women did ha ha ha!!!!!!!

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When i was younger (around 4 to 7) I thought that mommies and daddies had babies because they kiss and that woman get boobs when they have a kid.

Green Bunnie
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I use to think that a boys penis was long and flat like one of those hoses that get round when you run water through it. I thought that they would roll it up to put it in their pants, kinda like you would roll up a measuring tape.

Ha Ha Ha
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I used to think that being circumcised meant they cut off your penis. I thought my own circumcision had been botched, leaving me with most of it. However, I didn't want anyone to know I had been circumcised cos they'd think I had no penis.

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I believed that girls'-er-lower parts were really a big hole. I don't know where this came from...but I believed it until i was about nine.

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when i was younger and my mom told me about sex, she just said "Penis, Vagina, sex, baby, that's all you need to know." But she didnt specify who had the penis and who had the vagina, so for about a year or so i believed i had a penis. I was a very confused little girl...

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Yeah I believed (because my mother had told me) that your 'willy' would fall off if you played with it :D

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i used to believe that a penis was the same as a vagina except really long

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When i was little i believed that when you got older you could always say "hey i want that sized chest." I would always wonder why my mom had gotten a small pair....

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When I was little, my mum always said to me when i was in the bath, that i had 2 make sure i washed "down below" (I'm a girl)so when i started showering, when i was a bit older, i always stuck the shower head "down there" because I thought it was wash it all clean. I never realised why it felt so good! ;)

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When I was younger, having never actually seen a male foreskin, I believed that circumcision involved the removal of part of the glans of the penis (i.e. the little bit on the end that makes it look like a mushroom).

Thus I believed that I was uncircumcized until a Jewish friend disabused me of the notion by telling me his looked the same as mine. Little kids think weird things, right?

We were in 9th grade.

A bit slow...
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When I was about seven or eight, my grandma tried to explain to me what sex was. As I heard it she said, "Sex is when a man puts his penis into a woman's china." I knew what a penis was but I thought that every time a man went over to a woman's house he would put his penis is her good china! Boy was I ever wrong!

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I used to believe that "vagina" (or "magina" as I heard it) was a fancy word for crotch. And my friend said this about having sex: "You put your magina into the other person's magina..."

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Up until I was about 14 years old, I never really understood a man's private parts. I always thought that when people said "balls", they were referring to the penis. I had pictured a man's penis to be made up of two balls smushed together, kind of like a snowman. Hmmm.

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I used to believe that 'bell end' meant just that. The end of a bell. I had heard my friend call someone it when we were 11 (and female, for the record), and as most calling words were just objects at the time anyway ('spanner', 'spoon', 'plumb' etc) I assumed it was just the object.

Then later, I was in the car with my Dad and some guy cut him up. My Dad shouted "Idiot!" and I pipped up "Yeah, stupid bell-end!" and my Dad screetched on the brakes, said, "WHAT?!?!" and asked me what I had said and if I knew what it was. I said, what I thought and he didn't seem to believe me but drove off and it was never mentioned again. Except a ton of times to me mates in the pub.

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I remember being about 4 and sitting naked in the tub. I was a little girl and thought I would eventually grow a penis, too. I thought that being a complete human being or grown up, meant having both genitals.

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When i was younger, i used to believe that many women, when they grew up, grew penises. I Also believed that some girls i knew secretly had penises. I used to think all these 'dirty' people combated their 'problem' by using 'willy-remover'(and that is what i thought it was actually called aswell), a white paste in a blue paper sachet that they applied on the 'problem area' with a spatula.

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