i used to believe

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top belief!

I used to know someone who, when young, saw his mother naked and asked what her genitals were called. Flustered and embarassed, she replied with the first thing that came into her head and told him it was her "goat" (she doesn't know why). He believed her for several years afterwards and told me he used to be quite shocked whenever he heard the phrase "that really gets my goat".

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I used to believe that if I played with my navel my ass would fall off.

wosre i believed if i played with my willy at all the red bit would fall off. so imagine finding out thatI could wash it and it did not fall off!

David Beale
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top belief!

Until I was 16 and I had my first PROPER girlfriend, I always assumed the vaginal opening would be on the front of the pelvis, because that's where the penis is.

Imagine my confusion when I found it's actually tucked underneath.

Also, when I started masturbation, I knew it was frowned open, so instead I used to have sex with the bed in what I called "sex practice."

Practice makes perfect ^_^
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top belief!

I used to believe that the umbilical cord was attached to the babies groinal area and where it was cut, determined the size of the penis.

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For a very long period of time I believed that your "Bollocks" was your arse and you "Arse" was your bollocks.

It was litterarly years before I relalised the mistake I'd made.

Trad Chilcaster
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i used to believe that women peed out of their arse and pooed out of their vagina

TIM wilson
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Until I was in college, I never understood exactly where a woman's urine came out. I thought the vagina was only for having sex. My working theory was that female pee came out of the same opening as her poo, but I always wondered where they came out together, or seperate times, or if it just varied.

Sadly, it took close examination of a college biology text for me to see the light. That's the sort of thing that happens when you only have brothers.

Much better informed now
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i didn't know that women had a different "hole" for urine to come out of. I just thought it was all the same...."hole"

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heh. i showed my friend a page in a book showing the joke "definition of a penis: a skinhead in a polo neck jumper". well, he didn't get it, and i wasn't about to explain it to him, I think we were in the back of a car going somewhere. several hours later he came back to me and complained because he had asked his dad what it meant, and that he had thought "penis" was spelt "peanus."

Mr Peanus
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i used to think that your elbow was a vagina because one time when i was younger i scraped my "this" and pointed to my elbow and this boy told me it was called a vagina so that day i went home and told my mom i scraped my vagina.

vagina boy
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top belief!

I am disabled with cerebral palsy. When I was 9 -11 years old, I had physical therapy sessions 3 times a week. All of the sessions were coed with 8 - 10 kids in the same room. Most of them required the removal of most or all of our clothing. At this time I developed my own double standard on nudity. Seeing a girl in the nude (or being seen naked by a girl) anyplace other than the therapy room was an exciting experience. However, nudity in the room was just part of the session. That was 45 years ago but have vivid memories of a number of girls who I saw exercising – wearing nothing but a smile – and thinking, "I sure would love to see her dressed like that outside of therapy!"

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I somehow got the sport of wrestling mixed-up in my head with the idea of a penis --- I didn't yet know the name of the male sex organ, so I called it a "rassel" because my father, from the deep south of the US, pronounced the name of the sport that caused all the confusion: "rassling". I suppose I was about 6 years old. My older sister straightened me out at some point.

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top belief!

My Little sister used to believe that everyone had unique shaped genetalier

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top belief!

My Mum used to think that boys willys continued to grow longer as they got older. She thought that it would hang down one of their legs and this is why little boys could wear shorts but men had to wear trousers. This also explained the bulge in swimming trunks because the man had rolled it up.

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my friend used to believe that pubic hair was called public hair and I did absolutely nothing to correct that belief

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I used to believe that women were men who had been volleyed in the groin and thus their penis had pushed their hair out to be longer than mens and made their voices higher and that breats were where the balls went.

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i used to believe that because it felt good when you touched your clitoris thats where the penis had to be inserted to and i always wonderd how it would be able to open up so big...
i beleived that until i was about 12 and found out from watching some porn on sky! i was shocked!!

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top belief!

When about aged two and a half a friend's son seemed to always have his hand down his nappy. One afternoon he came into the room saying, "Mummy mummy, my willy has a bone in it!"
He knew that your arms and legs had bones in them (after breaking his arm) and had worked ot that his willy must have too since it had become stiff!
I thought this was quite good logic!

Scooby Doo
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i used 2 belive that my willy was the umbillicall chord that hadn't been chopped after watching a documentry on babies

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top belief!

When I was very young and still sharing a bath with my big brother, I saw his tackle and started crying. He looked at me reassuringly and said "It'll grow".
I'm still waiting.

Miss Wolfie
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