i used to believe

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top belief!

When I was about 9 I remember my friend telling me that you only grew pubes once you'd had sex... I went straight home and started furiously yanking out what pubic hair I had with a pair of tweezers!

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Up until I was 13 or so, I thought that guy's testicles were each individually packaged (kind of like american cheese) -- ie, they each had their own scrotum. You have to understand, that pretty much everytime I saw them (greek statues, sex ed pamphlets), the penis was in front of them so there was no way to tell. That, and also, why would you call it "balls" if there was really only one hanging item.

Aw, Nuts
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top belief!

I was told that my testis were a pillow for my penis by my mother when asked the difficult question of what they were for !

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top belief!

I used to think that the penis was a sausage and that they could remove it and cook it.

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When penises were first explained to me as organs which filled with blood during erection, I didn't quite get it. What happened when they were not erect? I figured that penises had to be long empty tubes, and in order to get the rounded bulge that one saw in underwear commercials, men had to manually coil the otherwise flat, limp penis in their pants.

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top belief!

When my little brother was little, he told me that boys were born with one testicle and acquired a new testicle every five years. He couldn't wait to get older and get his extra balls. I was six or seven when he told me this, so I believed it too.

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When i was little i found a porn magazine on my dads side of the bed. He was a doctor so i figured that the magazine was labeling the peoples body parts... they were always especially detailed on the closeups!

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My dad used to tell me if i picked at my vagina flies would fly up it.

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top belief!

My best friend in upper school believed that penises actually had a bone in because everyone refered to them as boners. She was about 14 before she learned that it was not so!

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my cousin used to tell me that if i put roll-on liquid soap, they used to make for kids in different colors, my breasts would grow. my chest was NEVER dirty!

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I grew up as an only child and at school (3rd or 4th grade) I heard some boys saying that their parents told them that if they played with their penises they would get REALLY sick. I was relieved because I knew I didn't have a penis. Some time later I told a girlfriend what I had heard and she said that the boys were lucky. She said that if girls played with themselves our hands would fall off into the big hole we had! Glad I'm an adult!!!

Dawn...The Believer! :-)
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I used to think that women wore bra's because it held the milk in. :)

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I knew that only women had babies, and that babies were inside the mother upside-down, so I believed that the woman's breasts were the baby's feet sticking out.

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top belief!

When I was 4 I had an infant cousin who was a little boy. When he was getting his diaper changed I saw this bizarre wrinkly thing between his legs. I didn't have one so of course I thought it would eventually dry up and fall off (like a scab) and my cousin and would be normal.

After I found out that little boys got to keep their wrinkly gizmo I felt a little cheated but I'm not sure why.

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my mom used to tell mr that if i ate my oatmeal, that my boobs would get big and i believed it until i was about 15 when it wasnt working.

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i used to think that when i got a hard-on it meant i had to pee.

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Growing up the only girl in the family (besides my Mum), I believed I had a "queer thing". I called it that for years as both my brothers and father had penises, and my mothers penis was covered in hair!

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I used to think that a penis had a bone in it & boys had to arrange it so it would hang down their leg when they put on their pants.

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top belief!

As a child I knew that girls didn't have penises, but I thought they might have testicles.

I also thought that women's breasts contained their lungs.

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top belief!

I don’t know how old I was but one day I thought I saw pubic hair. I ran out and told my Mom and Dad I had hair down below. My Mom told me there was not any as she gave me a bath last night. I said maybe some water got in and grew some.

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