i used to believe

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when i was about 10 or so i started to feel these strange nots in my breasts. i was terrified, you see i thought i had breast cancer. well i always heard that if you felt lumps on your breast that it could be cancer. i sat my mom down for the bad news "mom" i began, " i think i've got breast cancer!" she asked me why i thought that and i told her. right away she reached over and started feeling my breasts and started laughing hysterically. she said you dont have breast cancer your growing boobs!

unwise lady
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When my parents would take me grocery shopping at a small store in a nearby town I used to see a poster in the window listing the danger signs of cancer. I was about 8 years old and used to read that poster every week while my mother was checking out, even though I had no idea what cancer was but understood that it was BAD. When my breasts began to develop I thought I was growing the lumps mentioned on the poster. My Irish Catholic mother, probably one of the most narrow minded persons on the face of the earth, had never mentioned one word about maturation. For weeks (or months?), I was sure I was going to DIE and, because I had no emotional connection to my parents in any way, could not bring up the subject to them. It was only one of many of my life's disconnects brought about by my mother's rabid and repressive Catholicism. Believe me, there were many others. All religions should be banned.

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Our babysitter told my brother that he would go blind if he touched his own penis. I distictly remember him (he was 6, I was 4) asking if he could only touch it enough to need glasses instead of going blind.

kelly colleen
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I used to believe that vagina was pronounced va-geena. When my mom corrected me, I told her she was wrong. Amazing how much smarter I was than my mom in those days...

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I used to believe that the size of a grown up boy's penis is really the same size as a 6 years old one, tiny. I've never seen neither in movies nor in real life a grown up's penis until I met my 1st boyfriend at the age of 16 and was absolutely shocked. I told him, "there's no way I let this inside my house.."

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my little bro (then 6) wouldnt eat his beans so i told him that if he did his penis would grow, he is now 16 and still eats them

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I used to believe that I had two holes down there....the pee and poop hole...I didn't find out until I was 12 that there was another...now im 15!

Chelsea Ann
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As a kid I'd read my dad's Playboy. I remember thinking that a girl's honeypot was her bum. Talk about dislexia.

All grown up
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when i was a youngster i thought that pubic hair was public hair and i was certain when i got some it was not going "public", how revolting it seemed at the time.

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When I was little, I remeber watching a Ceech & Chong movie, and one of the characters stuck his fingers in the coin return of a telephone, and got some nasty stuff on his hands and exclaimed "Caca!" For some reason, from then on, I though Caca was what you call female pubic hair, and when one of my friends said Caca around his parents one day I got really embarrased for him and ran home.

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When I was about 5 years old I believed that if i rolled my foreskin on my penis backwards. The head of my penis would fall out.

Anders from Norway
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i used to belive that pubes were hair fallen from your head and glued on

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i believed that the penis had an eye and could see the womans vagina

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Our babysitter's boyfriend came over and I informed her that boy's have penises and they use them to make babies. She said not to worry, that his had been shot off in a war. When I asked how he peed, she said he used his belly button. She laughed a lot when she told me.

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One day many moons ago, my aunt Phyllis was breast-feeding my cousin, and her friend's son was watching her intently. He asked her what she was doing, and she told him something to the effect of "feeding the baby her milk". The little boy sat for a minute and asked Phyllis, "Is there tea in the other one?"

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I used to believe boys aren't scared of fire because they have that firemen hose which can shoot water to kill the fire..

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My dad while watching Dolly Parton on TV said she must drink alot of orange juice to have breast that size. Needless to say I drunk alot of orange juice so that my chest would also be well endowed. It might work I'm a 36D.

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I used to believe that a boy's penis was coiled up kind of like a garden hose, and when he peed, he had to unroll it..

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I told anyone who would listen that a certain part of my anatomy was called a "pagina" and anyone who thought it started with a "v" instead had been sadly misinformed.

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When I was a kid my dad told me that Spectacles were actually called Testicles. I went around school the next day telling everyone who wore glasses they were actually wearing testicles. Needless to say my teachers weren't impressed as I refused to believe them when they corrected me. The sad thing is I thought this was true until my early teens.

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