rude bits
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Our family name for girls bits was "pee-pee".. when I was about 4, my cousin and I got into a fight about it because she tried to tell me that it was called a "va-china"... I didn't believe that such a big word would be used for "that"..
I had a friend in college who believed that testicles were internal. She has 2 brothers and didn't know they hung outside the body until we told her. She was in her Junior year at the time.
top belief!
Around the time I turned three, I underwent surgery to repair a hernia. In recovery, My parents were horrified when I stuffed my hand into the bandages and became hysterical because the doctor forget to sew on a penis.
I used to believe that once you became an adult, your nipples were always erect. for a long time there, i thought mine were broken...
I used to think that gonorrheoa was a sort of penile leprosy - that if you
caught it and it wasn't treated, your dick would fall off.
i beleived that women's breasts were attached only at the top of the breast, and that the rest just 'dangled'. this meant that you would be able to lift them like a flap.
While taking Sex Education class, my teacher would always refer to people's private parts as the "groin area". I misunderstood him and thought that he was saying "growing area". It some wierd way, it made sense to me to call a man's private parts the "growing area", but I was really confused why a woman's private parts should be called that too!
I used to believe that a man's penis stuck straight out in front of him, completely perpendicular to the rest of his body and would stay that way. This would be the reason I would just knock my Barbie and Ken together to simulate them having sex.
top belief!
I was 8 yrs old when my breasts began to grow. My mom told me to go see my school nurse, because SHE believed it was breast cancer.
My school nurse told me not to worry: It's simply the glands growing. (For some reason she couldn't use the word tits or breasts, which I would've understood.) I thought GLANDS were something truly fatal.
It was another 8-year old, who finally told me what the lumps were about.
For a long time when I was a young teenager and before I ever had sex, I knew that a girl had two "holes" but I was always scared that I would get it in the wrong hole or that I wouldn't know what one to put it in!
I thought that when a woman went for her check-up, they put her to sleep (general anesthesia), because who'd want to be awake when some doctor-man is looking at your private parts?
i thought that a boy's penis was always kept tightly tucked under his body (as in, the tip pointing backwards). this seemed the only logical way to keep it from flinging around. i told that to my first boyfriend and he just laughed....
I remember being twelve and starting to develop nipples, and being convinced I was dying of breast cancer. I told my doctor, who just laughed. It was so embarrasing.
top belief!
When I was little I was convinced that boobs could be made for you - no idea how I came up with that one. My grandad was a bit of a diy-er, and I used to have terrible temper tantrums because he wouldn't make me a set!
top belief!
My girlfriend told me, when she first discovered the inside of her vagina, she though it was a hole. She was terrified her inside would suddenly fall out.
i believed that penis's were hotdogs
I used to believe that "bitch" meant vagina, because I saw some nasty graffiti on a Kotex machine that said "For the bloody bitch!"
top belief!
when i was little i had a best friend who was a boy, and he said that boys had balls. i used to think that the penis had balls in it and depending on how many balls you had, that was how big your penis was. er go..2 balls, 3 balls or 4 balls length. ouch!
top belief!
Based on close observations of sweater topology, I used to believe that there were two varieties of adult female bosoms, one kind with two separate breasts, and another kind with one horizontal breast from one side to the other.
I used to be convinced that a vagina was simply a round hole on the front of a girl's groin
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