rude bits
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When I was little I thought that boys had vaginas too even though I had to take baths with my brother. I just thought he was the only one in the world who had a penis. So anyway, when I was twelve I was at some boys house and he was in the bathroom and I had to come in 'cause I left something in there and had to get it out (can't remember what) I was confused why he wouldn't let me in, because when I was liitle, my sisters and my brother always let me in, so I didn't know why he woudn't (I'm a stupid girl). Anyway, eventualy, I came in and was shocked to see that he hada penis too! So I just thought that everyone got one when they got their period. This screwed up my whole idea about sex. Before this,m I thought that you could just get pregnant anytime, and "sex" had nothing to do with reproduction, that was just when you kissed naked with a boy. So I made a new theory: you couldn't get pregnant until you grew your penis (when you got your period) and the baby would come out the tip. For like a year, I was skeptical if I wanted to have a penis. I kinda liked my vagina. Well, it didn;t take to long to figure it out. I remember when at a family reunioun I started talking about it wit my cousin (who's my age) and my uncle (who's not much older than me). When they heard what I believed, they laughed so hard! I can remember my uncle just lauging so hard he couldn't breathe, my cousin didn't think it was that funny, but she laughed, They quickly told me the truth, I was so relieved. My uncle still makes fun of me for this.
One day I went to the zoo with my parents and we stopped by the petting zoo to see the pigs. I soon got severly confused and pointed out that those larger pigs had eggs on there stomachs. ( They were male) They didn't correct this mistake so for a while i figured that pigs laid eggs that grew on their butts and fell off when they were "ripe".
one day I caught my dad in the kitchen wearing noting but his underwear. back then they didn't wear boxers so he was in his briefs which of course meant to a kid that daddy must have something in his shorts cause you couldn't see that when he was wearing pants. I looked at my mom and said...look mommy daddy pooped his pants.
i asked my mum one day why girls didn't have a 'willy wonka' (my name for it at the time). my mum told me that girls didn't pull up their pants fast enough after peeing and birds came and pecked it off.
I used to believe that the penis was type sponge after I interruped my Dad ringing it out in the Bath. he was quite embarrassed at the time but even more embarrassed when he found out that I'd told my teacher only 3 days before the annual parents meeting.
Up until I was about 14 years old, I never really understood a man's private parts. I always thought that when people said "balls", they were referring to the penis. I had pictured a man's penis to be made up of two balls smushed together, kind of like a snowman. Hmmm.
For the longest time, I thought boys had "penuts" and girls had "bagina's. I was shocked when I heard Mr. Knack use the word "penuts" on Eureka's Castle.
when i was younger i walked in on my brother weeing and after i saw u know what i ran to my room and cried because i didnt have one
When I asked my mom what a vagina was (which I pronounced "bagina" for some reason), she didn't really want to tell me so she said it was "a woman's butt". Not only did I believe her, but I thought it must not be any more offensive a word than "butt" which almost got me into trouble a few times (almost).
I also thought that women didn't have pubic hair and that they peed from the vagina, which I also thought was why they couldn't do it standing up...because it would be too wide a stream to aim it into the toilet.
when I first heard the expression "balls" (I think I was 9 or so) I thought it refered to a man's chest.(don't ask me why, I really don't remember)
i used to beileve that if you bruzed your bits they would die so i was always carefull when i was little
I used to believe that my testicles were my kidneys. Made sense, right near where one pees from. Took me till fifth grade to sort it out.
I used to think that pubic hair was called public hair. in Sex Ed class at school I even "corrected" the teacher!!!!!!!!
When I was young, around 7, my Dad warned me that if I played with my penis it would eventually turn black and fall off. Well, he was a recently-retired nurse, and I had absolutely no reason to disbeleive him - he'd given me tons of information on the human body already. Of course this was completely and totally untrue. However, I beleived it for a long time, and didn't really discover masturbation until I was thirteen, after I managed to convince myself that it was a lie. Actually, in his mind, he wasn't lying to me - I asked my Dad about it and he said he really beleived it, as a kid and still today.
He's 70 years old. For his entire life, ALL SEVENTY YEARS OF IT, he truly and totally beleived that masturbation would cause penises to turn black and fall off. He's probably never masturbated in his life.
The thing is, though, it was probably because he was raised in a family that were very likely prudes. I guess we can't really blame him. Still funny, though!
When I was about 10, I was told that I had to pull my foreskin back in order to clean my penis properly. At that time, I had some problems doing that, so every day I tried and managed to pull it back a little bit more. I remember being very worried because I thought that my glans would fall to the floor if I pulled my foreskin back too much! I thought it wasn’t connected to the penis at all...
While I always knew the physical differences between boys and girls, until age 9 or so I thought that penises/testicles were strictly to distinguish boys from girls when they were born.
As a little girl, I thought a man's penis looked a lot like a vienna sausage.
Then, I heard the term "balls".
I thought that there were two spheres INSIDE the penis.
I also thought that it was just two balls, one connected to the crotch and another hanging off the first.
All I can say is, THANKS, SEX ED! :D
I used to believe men had to squeeze their penus to wee. I believed that when they needed the loo, they had to go or there bladders would explode! Otherwise how do you explain their need for the loo if they didn't wet themselves?
My dad explained to me at the age of 10 because of an innocent comment. But I think he had something to do with this belief...
My girlfriend told me, when she first discovered the inside of her vagina, she though it was a hole. She was terrified her inside would suddenly fall out.
I was 8 yrs old when my breasts began to grow. My mom told me to go see my school nurse, because SHE believed it was breast cancer.
My school nurse told me not to worry: It's simply the glands growing. (For some reason she couldn't use the word tits or breasts, which I would've understood.) I thought GLANDS were something truly fatal.
It was another 8-year old, who finally told me what the lumps were about.
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