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I Used to believe that boobs made milk if a woman was a cow. So i listened to my dad and what and who he called a cow.

Hugh Jarse
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I grew up an extremely sheltered and overprotected girl. One day, when I was perhaps in 6th or 7th grade, my father and I were discussing some aspect of nature and survival. Figuring I was just being logical (and not knowing their true function), I told him a woman's breasts were there as extra fat to provide nutrition should the woman become malnurished or not have enough to eat. My father just laughed and explained their true function was to feed babies. So I asked where the breasts were on animals (since they don't protrude), and he explained how some animals had them inside rather than out.

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OK. this is probably the WEIRDEST sex belief you have ever heard! when I was very young, I would have to take baths with my two older sisters. They are about 3 years older than me (twins) and when I was younger I wondered why they had different ... parts... than me and they said that I was the only one in the entire world who had a penis. Now, I never remember being very shocked about this because they probably put it in my mind at a very early stage, so it never concerned me. Ans it was all well and good for a long time. My sisters would always make fun of me now and then even when I was about 10! i don't really know how it neve rgot back to mom and dad! If they had known they would have told me the truth! I eventualy found out the truth when I was in third grade and I saw someone elses equipment in the bathroom. I guess I had never considered how other boys could pee standing up when my sister had to pee sitting down with their equipment that I thought everyone had! Now, when I saw this, I wasn't shocked, it all made sense! When I went home, i told them that I found out and I told my parents too! They didn't get in trouble, because I don't think mom and dad understood me, but to this day they tell me of how they wanted to keep that up until I was a teenager! I'm glad I caught it first!

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I embarrassed myself at school one day when one of the boys boldly announced "girls have two bums, a back bum and a front bum" to which i replied "Its not a bum its my mary".

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When I was really little I used to think girls had a little penis and it would grow into a normal one.

I also thought my dad's penis was a wart,

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Up until 8th grade or so I thought penises looked just like hot dog wieners.

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When I was about 7 or 8 years old, my next-door neighbor (about 13 at the time) tried to explain sex to me. Unfortunately, he gave me a very poorly worded description of a hymen by saying, "when a girl first has sex, a bone in her vagina breaks, and it hurts really bad." Of course, my inexperienced mind immediately assumed there was a cage of bones, like a ribcage, inside every woman's vagina. I had trouble understanding this anyway, so when I learned the truth several years later, it was a relief :) .

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Church wasn't mandatory in my family, so I rarely went. I had a bible and thought "Titus" was pronounced "tit-us. I was trying to talk about Titus and my mother said, "You better not be saying tits!" I was ten and didn't know what a tit was. Now eleven years later I laugh at this!

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I thought penis was spelled "penus" like the planet Venus. I figured out the brutal truth in 7th grade health :/ .

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I believed that girls'-er-lower parts were really a big hole. I don't know where this came from...but I believed it until i was about nine.

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I was over at my friends house watching x-men. I was sitting next to my friends little brother ( he was about 3 or 4) we were watching the part were they show that lady covered in blue that can shape into forms then he looked at me and said " sa'uh, where's her weeny?" I said " she doesn't have a weeny" and he responed " Yeah, my mommy doesn't have a weeny either, BUT I DO!".

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For some reason I used to believe that semen seeped out from the ridge around the "head" of your penis. I was about thirteen when I dramatically discovered otherwise!

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I used to call penises "wigs" and vaginas "wee-wees". Well, imagine what I was thinking when one day my dad came home and said "You could tell that wasn't Ronnie's hair! He was wearing a wig on that bald head of his!" I was so shocked and thought this man "Ronnie" was born with his penis in the wrong place!

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when i was 5-7 i was watching t.v. i was going through all the channels and saw a porno channel. it was the first time i had seen a penis and didn't know what it was and thought it was an overgrown worm. i was confused, why did worms only live with men? i finally understood what it really was until i was 11 and nurses talked to me and the rest of the girls in my class.

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when I was probably 4 or 5, I knew girls were different but had no idea how. I had a dream where they all had varying sizes and numbers of penises--as many as five or six very small, or two or three somewhat larger.

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When I was younger, maybe 4 or 5, this girl my aunt babysat was my best friend. We were together everyday. Well, one day we were playing in my room, and she said, you know what that thing between your legs is? My mom said it was a "bagina". I felt so smart! Later that day I went up to my aunt and said, I have a bagina!! and she said that it's called a "susie". Up until I was about 10 or 11 I called it a susie! I finally learned though!

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My sister was born when I was six. Due
to a congenital malformation she was born with a penis. Thus, I believed girls had penises too. She stood to
pee just as I did. When she was about
six she had it amputated so she would
look like a normal female. For a long time I thought the doctors may cut mine
off too.

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For the longest time I was confused about where the clitorous is. I remember telling a friend that my clitorous wasn't sensitive, the part i pee out of is. Luckily my friend didn't laugh too hard, and explained that I had the two confused.

silly girl
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When I was little I was nervouse about growing breats. I wondered how in the world grown women walked around with these 2 "balloons" in they're shirts. For some reason I thought my chest would feel really heavy or that they would bounce around uncontrollably when I ran. Like they would just be all over the place

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I remember that I used to think that all penis's were the same size until I saw my stepdads' goods when I accidentally walked in on him getting out of the shower! I was horrified by the site and thought surely this hurt my mom terribly. So every time I heard noises from their room I would cry and cry thinking he was hurting her. Now I know the truth!!

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