rude bits
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When I was little the only time I saw penises was in art museums, on greek statues. I thought they were just little sacks of flesh, because the statues were always chipped in that area
When I was a little kid, I believed that erections were caused by the need to urinate.
this is not about me this is about my children when they were small. When my children were small i told them that if they did not change thier underware every day they would get "Robin Rotton Croch" and thier penis would turn green and fall off.well they beleive me because until this day (they are 21 and 19" they have a lot of underware. i laugh when i think about it now,some people tell me i am mean for telling them that but it worked.
i used to believe that girls had testicles....the were inside her boobs
When I was 7, my baby sister was born. When I saw her little vulva, I thought she had a little butt in front and a bigger one in back.
I used to think that pads were for women who wet their pants and that women used bras because sometimes their breasts would leak milk. It never really made sense...
in science in year 7 one of my friends commented something on guys pubes being on their penis'. I looked at her funny and said "i dont think thats right" so she proceeded to draw me a diagram. On the diagram the pubes were growing down the penis. I had to take the pencil off her to show her where the pubes really went.
I use to believe that a boy could make his willy go hard when ever he wanted.
I used to think vaginas were much higher up, near where the belly button of a woman would be. Of course, i was only about 5 at the time
My husbsand told me that when he was younger he thought girls and boys had the same "parts" but the only difference was, that the girls own was really really small, so he used to laugh at them (to himself) about their small "parts". How funny is that! (LOL) I still pick on him about it!
For years, I thought that the "balls" on a penis were on the tip. I believed this well into my teenage years.
I used to have a female friend when I was really little and she said she would show me hers if I would show her mine. I agreed, then she asked if she could touch mine. I said no way. You already broke your off!!
when i was around six years old, i believed that because my baby brothers (my only siblings) and my best friend (a boy) all had inverted nipples -- and i did, too -- that i was really a boy and some mistake had been made in the determination that i was a girl.
i used to believe that women peed out of their arse and pooed out of their vagina
As a little girl, I saw my grandmothers masectomy scar across her chest, where her right breast should have been. I imagined she had put a really tight belt across her chest (bandito-style!)which had squashed her breast away!
I use to belive that viginas where called barneys cause thats what my mom called them when she was young so she told me that they where called that, I got really confused when the show barney came out and i didnt learn that they where called viginas till i was about 10 :o
i used to believe that the bits in your vagina where a growing penis, i wondered why my brother had got his so early......
I used to think that the clitoral hood was the vagina (I was not actually aware of the prescence of a hole there). When I was 9, I had a yeast infection, and so I described the itching as being, "behind my vagina," so the doctors assumed I was ashamed to say, "anus" and thought I had pinworms. Itchy.
When I was little I walked in on my Dad getting out of the shower and I later asked my mom why Daddy had a tail.
When i was younger i beleved that boys "cocks" (willies) were all slimy so that there hands got all wet and slimy whn then peed ;o
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