rude bits
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when i was a kid i used to believe that girls had teeth inside their vagina and that they would disappear when the girl turned 16. i found out otherwise when i was 14, and my gf at the time was 15 :P
When I was little, I used to think that a girl peed out of her clitoris. Valid, I didn't know that it was called a clitoris, I thought it was a very small penis!
when I was about3 or 4, I used to think that boys had long tails and girls had short tails.(the penis and clitoris)
I even went up to my mom and said look mom daddy has a big tail and i have little one!!i thought that intil i was 7 i think.
Until my late teens, I didn’t know that there were two “exits” in the female genital area; I used to believe that urine & menses came out of the exit – the vagina! When I finally saw a picture that showed the urethra – I was shocked, stunned & completely grossed out!!! I still get the shivers thinking about it.
i always thought that girls grew apenis when the went older. i never understud why there was nothing there untill i was 7
I was talking on the phone with one of my friends. (a guy) well we got into questions about penis's. I was courous so i asked if there was a bone in it. He said no. I was really surprised.
I used to think that gonorrheoa was a sort of penile leprosy - that if you
caught it and it wasn't treated, your dick would fall off.
I told anyone who would listen that a certain part of my anatomy was called a "pagina" and anyone who thought it started with a "v" instead had been sadly misinformed.
As a kid I'd read my dad's Playboy. I remember thinking that a girl's honeypot was her bum. Talk about dislexia.
When I was eight a boy told me that penises tasted like candy. He was wrong.
i used to believe that when a women turned 60, her vagina would grow skin over it so that she couldn't use it anymore. i didnt quite figure out how she went to the toilet though...
When I was very young I didn't realise woman had three different 'bits', I thought it was all done with ONE!!
I used to believe that "vagina" (or "magina" as I heard it) was a fancy word for crotch. And my friend said this about having sex: "You put your magina into the other person's magina..."
when I was younger I used to share a bath with my brother. So natrually I noticed his penis. One day I was sitting on the toilet and I called to my Mum "Mummy I still haved got a willy". (Bearing in mind I am a girl)
When I was a little boy, I was horified by my penis turning hard. I thought there was a bone growing inside.
When i was getting 'the talk' from my parents my little brother walked in, i think i was about 10 and he was about 8, he walked in just as they were explaining vagina...he didnt quite catch the va for ages he was walking round saying china :P
when I was little, I would see my mother had breasts along with all adult females. somehow I was too stupid to make the connection, and I assumed it was something exclusive to the grownups I knew. I never thought they were something all women developed with time. needless to say, I did end up getting breats myself and now know that they arent some strange thing the adults I know have
I used to belive that clitoris was pronounced "clee-o-tor-is". I also believed that vagina was pronounced "vuh-gee-nuh". i'm a guy. oooops...
I used to believe that all babies (boys and girls) got circumsized. once i heard a classmate talking about babies being circumcised and he didn't specify whether it was boys or girls so i went home and asked my mom one day if i was circumcised. "She replied, only boys get circumsized junie." "hmm, didn't know that" I replied. well, now i know.
i used to believe that a pussy ,vagina ,and a coochie was diffrent things
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