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When we were young, we used to call a woman's breasts, 'Hum Hums'
When I was 5 I used to think that boys and girls both had the same thing until a friend proved otherwise.
hey I was only 5
One day my daughter came home from preschool and announced that she had seen Christopher's "tail." She demanded to know why she didn't have a tail...did I cut it off because it was ugly? Of course, it was his penis as they were changing his diapers. I think that deep down she'll always be suspicious of boys' "tails"
you are not going to believe this. I'm 17 and until today I thought I might have breast cancer because there are lumps in my breast. Well turns out they are just growing. lucky for me!
I didn't pay much attention in sex-ed class--until I was 16 I thought women peed out of the clitoris, and I also believed the vagina opened up into a big open space.
I never knew what a girl's reproductive organ was until I was in 6th grade, but until I was like seven, I didn't even know they had one. I always thought that they just had skin where a male's reproductive organ is. One day at my babysitter's house, I saw her changing a female baby's diaper and I looked. I saw an odd-looking thing that looked like a cave, or something. I thought until later on in my life that girl's have penises that simply cave in instead of out. Therefore, I finally thought I understood when my mom said they peed out of their butts--their penises would face the opposite direction, therefore causing the pee to come out of their anal hole.
I used to believe that I'd grow a foreskin after puberty. What a disappointment (or blessing).
When i was young I was once playing video games with my friend and
He said "watch out! The alien's gonna suck you up with his testicles!"
When I was little I swear one of my older sisters (I'm the youngest of 4 girls) told me that if I always wore my bra (like to bed) that my breast wouldn't grow. Well I was a tomboy and I would wear sports bras all the time, until they fell apart. Needless to say my breast did grow and I am now a size 36B.
one time in school about 3rd or 4th grade i heard some one say "vagina" and i thought they said china and for some reason i thought that when they said "china" i thought they were reffering to the females body part and i thought about this for the longest time and i thought china is a country.but then my mom told me about sex about age 9.
My aunt convinced me at a young age that the skin on the outside of my vagina was called my "chicken", since it looked like a rooster's waddle.
When i was little and saw myself 'down there' for the first time, i thought that my clitoris (of course i had no idea what it was) was a penis beenings as we should all have penis' cus the boys had one
We havent had much prOn around when i was a kid, i never seen how people do it until i was like 13, and nether my friends, so we had this BIG argument about how many holes do girls have, and about 70% of my friends were saing that there 3 holes, because that made sense, 1 to pee, 2 to poop and 3 to give birth, so we called prostitute service, (it was in Russia, so we had couple phone#) and asked, the girl on the phone just laughed at us, we knew that it was a stupid question, but nobody really knew the for sure, and had any ways of prooving, we asked girls and some didnt even know themselvs
In kindergarten my nieghbor told me that a vagina was called a "woo" and so up until 2nd grade I thought thats what it was called.
I used to believe having sex would make your genitals explode/fall off.
i used to believe that men had three penises, instead of 1 and two balls
One time my mom told me that babies came from secret holes, and that's how I was born.
people still make fun of me for it.
When i was about 5 or 6 i didn't know what boobs were so i had a friend who was really fat and she had big ones because of her fat and she said to me when i'm 7 i'll have hanging boobs and then i went home and said "hey mom i can't wait until i'm 7 because i'm gonna get hanging boobs" and she just laughed
When I was little and still had no breasts yet (I'm a girl), I had no idea what the those nubs (the nipples) were for. I kept trying to either rip or scratch them off, but I wasn't able to no matter how much I tried. When I started growing breasts, I freaked out for a bit and tried even more to scratch my nipples AND breasts off. To understand my panic back then, I had really wanted to be a guy badly back then and I hadn't been told about the whole reproductive stuff yet.
I used to think some of my balls would disappear and grow back. Sometimes i thought i had 1, sometimes 2, and sometimes even 3. But later on after i examined closer i realized that i had always had 2 balls.
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