rude bits
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I used to believe that if you get an erection when u went the toilet its was because of all the urine gatherin in ur penis - i didnt think about the bladder.
And when you get the other type, i thought that was stored up as well...
When my parents would take me grocery shopping at a small store in a nearby town I used to see a poster in the window listing the danger signs of cancer. I was about 8 years old and used to read that poster every week while my mother was checking out, even though I had no idea what cancer was but understood that it was BAD. When my breasts began to develop I thought I was growing the lumps mentioned on the poster. My Irish Catholic mother, probably one of the most narrow minded persons on the face of the earth, had never mentioned one word about maturation. For weeks (or months?), I was sure I was going to DIE and, because I had no emotional connection to my parents in any way, could not bring up the subject to them. It was only one of many of my life's disconnects brought about by my mother's rabid and repressive Catholicism. Believe me, there were many others. All religions should be banned.
I have a really close friend that believed up until her early teens that you had sex through your urithra and peed through your vagina.When I confronted her about this she said,"Read the books if you don't believe me!"The reason she believed that is because she couldn't read the diagram correctly,and got the two holes backwards.
i used to belive that showing ur undies was a sign of power and the better undies ur have the better vagina/penis u have.( so embarrassing and childish).......
when I was little my mom always told me that my vagina was called a dimmy and to this day my parents and grandparents say dimmy
When i was younger (around 4 to 7) I thought that mommies and daddies had babies because they kiss and that woman get boobs when they have a kid.
When I was little, I used to think that girls didn't have any gentals, just a hole for pee to come out. Then I got a sister and saw that girls had vulvas.
I beleived when I was little that I had a special baby hole identical 2 my but hole. I would always bend over backwards infront of the mirror 2 try 2 see it. I never imagined it was the hole that it is
i used to believe that a boys 'tinhg' looked like an eel because my brother said he had a long one.
I used to believe that penis's looked like poop, attached to a guys crotch. There was no resmblance to actual genitalia-no balls, no penis....jsut poop
I used to think that a mans penis was shiny, bit like a sausage skin only found out it wasn't when i saw someone's on the net when i was 13. How dumb can u get lol?
Up until the age of 12 I thought that women had 3 completely seperate holes with a gap between each. The front (for wee), the middle (for sex) and the back (anus).
I thought sex sounded so technical, I was so worried about making sure I got the right hole. I said this one time on the way to school, one of my mates burst out laughing and made fun of me until the other two said that's what they had thought too.
(This is so stupid) When I was younger, I used to belive, for women if you wanted breast you would have to go to a place and have them pulled out for/or, you would wake up one day and they would be fully grown.
When I was younger I thought only little boys had (you know...) and grown up men had something else...i didn't know what, but it not the same thing little boys had..hehe
i used to belief, when i was around 4-10, that i had a left "nut" when my older sister sed that every woman grows one.
I was a really little girl, and didn't know about a man's "man-sword," so when I saw a little boy at my nursery camp with his pants down, and later, my baby boy cousin getting a diaper change, I thought they looked like that down there because they had a DISEASE -- that my body was the way bodies were supposed to look, and my campmate and my cousin had a disease. This was before I read a book on reproduction and learned the truth. (I still didn't think the appendage was very pretty) Now, when I love a guy, I think his WHOLE BODY is beautiful, top to toe, including his mighty man-sword and those two tender "huevos"
When I was 9, I used to watch the T.V listings just for fun so, when something weird or gross was showing, I'd run to my mum and tell her. But, one day, as I was looking at the listings I saw a movie's name. It said, "Virgina Wool" I ran to my mum and said, "Mum! There's a discusting movie on called Vagina Wool!" After that, if I see something gross on T.V i ignore it and keep from more embarasment.
Just a few days ago (I'm 13) I found out that the penis and the testicals were different. My dad was telling a story about his friend on a boat. He said that ONE of his testicals were hanging out. I was confused until I asked my mom. It makes more sense now
I remember being really little and walking in on mum after she had come out of the bathroom. I remember seeing her pubic hair and thinking how gross it was and that it was like how dads had hair on their chest. yuk!
i used to believe that my willy would soon be cut of by the loo seat and so i never used to pee in the loo.
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