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top belief!
I used to believe sex was going to be made illegal by the time I could have it.
When the word "virgin" popped up in the 7th or 8th grade, during a health or science lesson, I never related it to sex. In fact at the time I just thought they meant "virgin" as in, The Virgin Mary, and at the time, as embarrassing as this is to admit, I didnt really understand why they called The Virgin Mary, The Virgin Mary anyway. I never would put sex and religion together. Virgin, was just a word i didnt know.
Until I was 12 years old I used to believe that losing your virginity meant kissing a boy!
I use to think that making-out meant "going all the way". I use to get frustrated with my mother when she asked me if I was sexually active, because all of my friends make-out all the time. (I was 15) Now im 18 and glad I know otherwise.
top belief!
thought a virgin was someone who had waaaay too much sex.
we were learning about astrology and i thought that virgos were known as virgins...hmmm
When I was a child the only virgin I'd heard of refered to as such was the virgin Mary.
I also knew that Joseph wasn't yet her husband when she became pregnant (and nor was jehovah obviously).
Logically therefore a virgin must be an unmarried mother.
I continued to assume this until some idiot boys at school started asking all the girls if they were virgins (around ten years old I think) and it occured to me that none of us had children so it must be something else.
top belief!
When I was 8 or 9, I believed that virginity and viagra were the same thing. When I saw on TV about somone taking somone's virginity, I thought they took the'yr viagra pills! Then I wondered what viagra was for, so I asked my mom. She said it was medicine for a boys pee pee. Then I asked what a virigin was then. She said it is Jesus's mother and that virgins are holy.(Not wanting to explain the birds and bees at ages 8). I then thought when somone took somones virginity it meant they made them a satanist.
(Also, when my cousin (a boy) has a bladder infection I knew it had something to do with his pee. I told my aunt that he should take his viagra. I wondered why she was on the floor laughing..)
I used to think that if you were a virgin it meant you had sex before. little did i know it was the other way around. I thought this beucase the stupid boys in our 4th grade class would go around asking you if you were a virgin. if you said yes it was bad, and if you said no they would leave you alone. so for years some crude jokes or whatever by kids would say are you a virgin i'd say no. even though i was i was i had it backwards. lol.
i used to think whenever you decide to lose your virginity you will go to a doctor and he would kindly create a hole for you in order to lose your virginity.
lucky doctors doh :P
top belief!
I used to think that virginity was an astrological sign like being an Aries or Gemini. This was because I was watching Hocus Pocus and they were making a big deal that only virgins could light the black flame candle.
top belief!
up until i was 11 i thought a virgin was someone from Virginia. i only found out what it was when a frind of mine came up to me and said `guess what. (so-and-so) isn`t a virgin` and i responded `duh. i know. she`s from Texas`
I remember me and a group of friends sitting one evening discussing stuff-i think we were about 11. I think we all though virginity was when you had had sex..cos we all said we werent virgins!
When I was little I thought that a tampon would "pop your cherry." I thought only people who weren't virgins could use tampons.
When I was younger I would watch the movie Hocus Pocus with my dad all the time. I LOVED it, but there's one part in that movie where they tell the teenage boy that the spell can only be broken by a virgin. So I asked my dad what a virgin was and for the next 4 years I thought a virgin was someone who had never kissed anyone!
top belief!
I used to think virginity was a religion.
top belief!
having been brought up in a christian home, i was taught songs about the virgin Mary... when i asked my mum what a virgin was, she said it was someone who had never slept with someone else. I was about six at the time so i didnt know by 'sleep' she meant having sex, i though she literally meant sleep, so for like three years i was convinced i wasnt a virgin coz i had slept in the same bed as my sister lots of times
top belief!
Once when I was watching TV I heard the word "virgin."
So I asked my mom what it meant. She paused and then replied ...
" a very smart girl."
I believed her until i was 12.
top belief!
Before I understood sex, I thought the word `Virgin` was a holy title like `Saint` or `Pope` because of the virgin mary.
When I was in middle school I used to think that my mom would know when I lost my virginity, because my pee would come out faster!!! I thought my piss whole and my vagina was the same hole...i know i kno i was sad
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