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When i was first asked if i was a virgin, i had no idea what it ment. I had never made any decicioon as far as i was aware to become 'virgin', whilst I had become 'vegetarian'. i half suspected they ment vegan, so i said No, i'm a vegetarian, whiuch got a lot of laughs.

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I was about 6 when I heard the term " Popping your cherry" I always thought this was talking about blowing a bubble with gum...somehting i had been wanting to do...so one night i told my mom" I want to pop my cherry" as U can imagine...my mom freaked...but later explained just what it meant

ChErRy PoPa
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when i was about 8 years old, my mom and my sisters (they were all adults or teens) were sitting around talking about sex. I had just walked in the room when my mom said "at least I still have ONE virgin" I got so upset and started crying..I yelled "I AM NOT!!" my mom was shocked. she asked me if i knew what a virgin was,i said "it's something bad mommy, and I don't wanna be a bad." she just started laughing.

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Rewind twenty-odd years to a little boy learning about astrological signs. Cancer, the crab -- check. Leo, the lion -- check. Virgo, the... what? Virgin? What the heck is that? Well, the picture in the book is of a young and attractive young lady, so that's what a virgin must be.

Some months/years later, the word "virgin" came up in a conversation with my sister (a year older than I.) She accused me of not even knowing what the word meant. I indignantly said, "Yes I do, it's a pretty woman!" I was very embarrassed when she corrected me.

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My sister used to believe that being a virgin meant you had sex. She was horrified that my father thought she was a "virgin" as a young teen. My father was equally horrified that she was insisting she was not a virgin. This painful discussion went on until I figured out she had it backwards and let them both know.

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When "Like A Virgin" came out, I asked my Dad what a virgin was. To avoid having my curiousity go any further, he simply said, "It's a kind of viking". I'm just grateful that that didn't completely screw up my development.

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When I asked my mother what a virgin was. Her reply was a woman who had never known a man. For the next few months I believed I wasn't a virgin because I knew so many guys.

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when i was younger i heard the word "popping your cherry" so i thouth that it ment pulling the stem off the top of cherry

once when i was 8 or 9 i brought my friend(that was a girl) into my room and we were watchin tv when we wanted sumthing to snack on so we went to the fridge and we picked out a jar of cherries then went went back to my room then i said wanna pop your cherry? next thing i know shes screaming and my mom runs in and my friends screaming "You cant touch my that way!!!!"

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I used to believe that 'virgo'which is my starsign, and 'virgin'was the same thing. That's why I declared to everyone in my Grans kitchen one day when I was 6: "I'm a virgin!"

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I used to believe that to lose one's virginity, all that was required was to be kissed...
So, I told everyone that I had lost my virginity - to my mother. OY!

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When I was little, my best friend and I went online and saw an porn-ad email with the term 'virgins' in the title. When we asked my dad what a virgin was he said it was a woman who isn't married. Since my friend's mom was divorced, she told all the adults her mother was a virgin.

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when I was in 6th grade, my boyfriend asked me if I was a virgin. I didn't know the meaning of it, so I thought he was asking me if I was a lesbian. I ended up saying, "Of course not! If I was, why would I be going out with you?"
The teacher was standing right there too.

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When I was about eight years old and living in the Florida Keys, a "new kid" came to our school from New York City. His origins made him instantly popular, and everyone totally believed what I now recognize as his bragging lies. The most disturbing of these lies (which I absolutely believed at the time) was when he said one day during lunch, "I have sex with girls until their cherries pop!" Having no idea what "popping a cherry" meant, I interpreted this to mean that he would have sex with girls until their breasts exploded!

Ryan P. Murray
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Until I was ten, I was convinced that being a virgin had nothing to do with sex. When I was finally told the real definition, I replied ingidnantly, "That's not true! Mary was a virgin and of course she had sex, how else could she have made Jesus?"

Obviously my church wasn't doing a very good job of spreading the good news to us little ones.

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I had over heard some older girls talking when I was 9, They were talking about losing their cherry to so and so.. I was very curious. So my friends and I put it together somehow that you actually had a Cherry in your vagina. I remember looking at it with a mirror trying to see it. Ieven tried to feel it in the shower. LOL

I also thought thats what was ment by eating you out. That the guy was eating your cherry.

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When I was a child in Catholic school we were discussing the meaning of the "Virgin Mary." My mother had told me that women only have sex in order to have children (good Catholic girl). Since my brother & I are adopted I assumed that meant my mother was a virgin and I proudly informed the nun that my mom was the same as the Virgin Mary. I think the nun called my mom because I got a "sex talk" later that week.

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When I was a kid, my mom was way too afraid to talk to me about sex. So one day, I asked her if SHE was a virgin. She replied with, "yes." For a while, I honestly thought I was the second coming of Christ.

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When i was four, six older boys were tryign to make me mad and they satrted callign me a virgin. Being a very mad four year old and not knwoing what a virgin was a started charging at them and running down th estreet yellign at the top of my lung "I AM NOT NOT NOT A VIRGIN"

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A friend and I (age 6 or 7) once debated the subject of "virginity". Having a younger mom (she's only 20 years older than I am), I knew that losing your virginity meant that you had "done it". My friend, however, insisted that it was when someone else saw you naked. I used to get so worried that I wasn't a virgin because my mom saw me in my panties everyday to help me get dressed for school!

The "Naked" Truth
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When I was younger my friends had all told me that when you lose your virginity you bleed and the blood burns the guys penis. So I was terrified of losing my virginity in fear of burning off a guys penis...

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