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Being a catholic, when i was younger i was always taught about the virgin mary, not completley understanding what a virgin was apart from mary was one and she was pretty much god's wife, when madonna released 'like a virgin' i thought for a long time that she was in fact a nun!

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When I was about 8 or 9 I asked my mom what the word "virgin" meant. Flustered, my mom told me that a virgin was a girl who had never slept with a man. A couple months later, my uncle came to visit, and my parents told me he would have to share a bed with me because we didn't have enough room otherwise. I freaked out because I thought literally sleeping with him would cause me to lose my virginity. My parents had to explain to me just what "sleeping with" someone really meant...

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When I was younger, I believed that being a virgin meant being really holy, a level above sainthood since the only person with which I had ever heard the word "virgin" correlated was the Virgin Mary. When watching the movie It with my family, I heard one of the characters announce that he was still a virgin; at first, I thought that meant that the only other person as holy as Mary was that character in the movie.

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I first heard the word virgin on the television, when I was about 9, and I asked my parents what that meant. My dad told me that it means that it was a person who had not slept with anyone. To confirm, I said that means you and mommy are not virgins and he said yes. I thought he meant slept together as in the same bed and thats it. For months until I found out what sex was, i thought me and my brother werent virgins because we used to nap on the same bed in the afternoon!

Confused Rockstar
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Hmm, another is...oh, yeah. I guess as a kid I was a kind of "scared of God" person. So, I believed all these relatively petty "crimes" would send me to Hell. FOREVER. Including having sex before you were married...I think I even wrote one of those stupid letters to myself in the future when I was 9, and I was gonna open it in ten years. I wrote something like, "If you have a boyfriend right now, you should be ashamed of yourself...you have to focus on college..." blah, blah, blah. I wondered where they sold chastity belts, actually...especially after Scary Movie.

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Once me, my mom and sister were sitting in our living room when Madonna's " like a Virgin" came on the Radio" I was probably 5 or6 and I heard the line "touched for the very first time" and at that moment I proudly proclaimed to my sister and mother that I was not a Virgin because I had been touched lots of times.( I am not sure How I figured out being touched made you not a virgin, but I did) I didn't understand why they thought that was so funny..
Thanks Madonna for messing up little kids minds..

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i was once told that a virgin was someone who had sex with a man from another country!

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I thought that being a virgin meant you were having sex constantly and living in Virgina.

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When I was in middle school I used to think that my mom would know when I lost my virginity, because my pee would come out faster!!! I thought my piss whole and my vagina was the same hole...i know i kno i was sad

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When I was younger, a girl in my class said that a virgin was a make-believe character, as in Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, etc. I believed her for a while.

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My mom once told me that if you only had sisters, you were a virgin.

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When I was in fourth grade I went to a private Christian academy. We were discussing something about jesus and mary and someone asked what a virgin was. Our teacher told us that a virgin was a woman who was unmarried. Luckily most of us were smarter than that already.

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I was born in September and therefore am a virgo zodiac sign. When I first heard the word "virginity", I thought that anybody who was born in September had virginity. I thought a virgo and a virgin were the same thing!

Clueless Virgo
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When I was in the third grade, we were outside playing at recess when several of the boys were asking the girls if they were virgins, Of course I didn't know what that was and thought It must be something bad because of the way they were snickering so of course I was sure to tell them I was not. Of course they had a field day with that and I was mortified when one of the other girls told me what a virgin was, needless to say I then tried to tell them I was but you know boys...It was sometime before they'd leave me alone about it.....

red faced 3rd grader
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i used to think that a 'virgin' was a type of bird, sort of like a raven. i think i came up with this philosophy after hearing (and dancing to) "like a virgin" by madonna. hah come on, i was only 6..

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One time when I was younger I had asked my sunday school teacher what a virgin was. You know, cuz of the Virgin Mary? She said ti was someone who hasn't had a baby yet... -_-

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I used to belive that to loose your virginity would mean licking a girls (hairy part) and sucking a girls (headlights).

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I used to think that virginity was a religion :)

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I used to think that you only didn't have your virginity while having sex, and when you weren't, you had it. One time I used that belief in a conversation with my mom, and she straightened me out! Embarrassing!

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Until I was 12 years old I used to believe that losing your virginity meant kissing a boy!

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