Serial killers are actually cereal killers
This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: Serial killers are actually cereal killers.
The first time I hear about a serial killer, I laughed. You can't kill cereal. It's not alive.
I believed serial killers were people who poisoned cereal to kill others.
top belief!
I used to think that serial killers chopped their victims up into little pieces and eat them with their cereal
my brother used to think a serial killer was someone that put nails and stuff in your cereal. lol :)
i used to believe when i was like 5 that serial llers only ate cereal so i used to watch movies and wonder why they werent eating cereal
I was yet another one who believed serial killers were "cereal killers" until I was nine and my mom explained it. Though I didn't think they killed cereal (or killed with cereal). I have no clue why they'd be called cereal killers but it's just what I thought.
I used to belive that a seriel killer was osmeone who stole ceriel boxes and illed the wittness!
When I was little, I used to believe that a serial killer was someone who killed people on cereal boxes. So when my mom used to watch the news, I thought someone had killed the Lucky Charms guy.
When I was younger (about 6) I remember hearing reference to a serial killer on the evening news, and I thought that it meant that anyone who ate cereal after dark would be attacked by the "cereal killer". So for years I always rushed to eat my cereal (favorite food at the time) before nighttime. It wasn't until we were studying homophones in school that i recognized the difference!
I thought a serial killer was someone who crushed boxes of cereal for a living like a hitman!
When I was younger, I watched a movie about a serial killer. Now not knowing the spelling I thought it was a cereal killer meaning they'd go around stabbing cheerios.
Whenever I'd hear "serial killer", I'd wonder what it was. One day, I 'found out' that a serial killer was a person who stole your cereal and would murder it.
I was so proud.
I used to think that a cereal killer was a peron who went and ate all of peoples cereal
And left nothing back for you…..after that I hid the cereal from everybody I even slept with it. then one day my sister asked were the cereal is and I screamed “YOU’LL NEVER HAVE IT YOU,YOU, YOU CEREAL KILLER!!!!” then she told me what a sereal killer really was…..that was when I was 9 (tells you how smat I am)
i used to think that serial killers were people who killed cereal
when I was 2 I used to think that serial killers would get a box of cereal and force you to eat it. but I beleive this bologna no more.
When i was little, i thought that a 'serial' killer was someone who would come and kill my breakfast w/ a knife.
When I was little I thought serial killer was some mad man after my breakfast. (cereal)
I used to think a serial killer (cereal) was somebody who came to your house, and when u held a picture of them in front of them they would melt and if you didn't, they kill you.
When I was younger, I heard about serial killers on the news. I used to think that serial killers were actually 'cereal killers' and only killed people who ate cereal. And because I was a kid and I ate cereal, like many kids, I used to believe that they would 'get me'. I lived with fear everytime I ate breakfast until I was about 11 when my mom finally cleared things up!
i used to think that a serial killer would eat all the cereal and they would be considered a "cereal killer".. i used to eat it all the time and tell my mom that i was a cereal killer.. she would just look at me weird
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