Serial killers are actually cereal killers
This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: Serial killers are actually cereal killers. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to criminals.i used to think that cereal killers where people who would try to kill careal. until the day i shouted out " HOW CAN YOU KILL CEREAL" while m aunt was watching the news. I was only 6 or 7
I thought "cereal killers" were people that killed others using cereal.
i use to believe that serial killers were murders who ate Corn flakes before they killed someone
I used to believe that serial "cereal" killers were people whose job was to kill little cereal animals and put them in boxes for us... I knew about meat and that it was dead animals so when I heard "cereal killers" I assumed that they worked at miniscule slaughter houses!
When I was a little kid I used to believe that serial killers were people who ate cereal and then killed people.
top belief!
I used to hear a lot about seriel killers when I was little. So I asked my dad what it meant. He told me that "it was someone who killed people the same way" I took this to mean that seriel killers would throw the same type of cereal at their victims to kill them.
I use to think when i was little that seiral killers stabbed cherrios.
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I used to believe that serial killers were "cereal" killers who wanted to kill children and would poison their cereal. This made perfect sense to me because I thought all children ate cereal and parents never ate the same kind. My parents didn't like buying the sugar-coated cereal for me and I assumed that this was because the frosting was easier to poison. If the cereal had no frosting, it would be soggy if it had been poisoned.
My sister used to believe that a serial killer was someone who killed cereal makers and stole their recipes!! She believed this until she was 15, and me being the younger sister, had to correct her!!!
qhen i was like 5 or 6 i used to think that a serial killer was someone who killed people who ate I din't eat cereal for a couple of months
When I was very young,under 5 I would assume,there was something on the news about a serial killer.Well,I turned and asked my mother,"Mom,How do you kill cereal?"
a serial killer is someone who kills you while wearing a cereal box on his head. There are cut out eye holes on the box but rarely ever a mouth hole.
top belief!
I used to think that a serial killer was someone who would kill people by either drowning them in a bowl of cereal or boiling their victim's heads in oatmeal
When I was little, I used to believe that "serial killers" were actuallly CEREAL killers, and would hide in cereal boxes, break all of the little bits of cereal, and then when you opened it, they would come after you. When I was about 4 or 5, I was listening to the radio with my Mom and heard about a serial killer on the loose. I immediately went to my neighbor's house and warned her not to buy any cereal because a cereal killer was on the loose.
There was a time when I thought serial killers put bad things in cereal and if you ate them, you would die. I would always pick the box in the very back of the bunch at the grocery store thinking it would be the safest.
When I was younger, I would hide all of my cerial. My mom never really understood it untill I told her about the (serial) cerial killer who moved in down the street.
Growing up I was told and I believed for a short time that Cereal Killer was some one who ate cereal. Never knowing that it was really spelt Serial and not cereal I didnt know the difference.
i used to think that a serial killer killed cereal then i thought about it and i diddnt eat cereal for a long time and when my mom asked me why i told her because if i eat the cereal it will die and i will be an americas most wanted!!
when i was younger , i would watch the news and when i heard them talkin about a sereal killer i would not eat any cereal until they didnt talk about the sereal killer anyomore because i thought a cereal killer was someone who put poision in cereal and made people die frim eating it...
I used to think that serial killers were "cereal killers" and would kill you by poisoning you cereal.
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