Serial killers are actually cereal killers
This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: Serial killers are actually cereal killers. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to criminals.When I heard about serial killers when I was a kid, I thought they were saying "cereal" and I belived that my frosted flakes were in danger of being killed!
When I was little I used to think that a seriel killer was a person that came into your house and would steal and eat all our cereal.
When I was little, I always heard about serial killers on the news. I assumed they were talking about cereal killers, people who murdered you by poisoning your cereal. For some reason, that didn't stop me from eating it.
I used to think that cerial killers would kill the little people on the boxes so once I said (to myself) "not tony! Please don't hurt him!"
I used to believe serial killers were murderers that wore cereal costumes. Like a man dressed in a giant Cheerio would come kill you.
My sister used to believe that a serial killer was someone who killed cereal makers and stole their recipes!! She believed this until she was 15, and me being the younger sister, had to correct her!!!
when i was younger , i would watch the news and when i heard them talkin about a sereal killer i would not eat any cereal until they didnt talk about the sereal killer anyomore because i thought a cereal killer was someone who put poision in cereal and made people die frim eating it...
my brother used to think a serial killer was someone that put nails and stuff in your cereal. lol :)
When I was younger (about 6) I remember hearing reference to a serial killer on the evening news, and I thought that it meant that anyone who ate cereal after dark would be attacked by the "cereal killer". So for years I always rushed to eat my cereal (favorite food at the time) before nighttime. It wasn't until we were studying homophones in school that i recognized the difference!
When I was oung I use to think that a "serial killer" was someone who ate serial. So once when my mum bouht serial, she gave me some for breakfast, walked out of the room, and i tried it and when she came ack in and saw me eating it i shouted "I'm a serial killer!! I'M SORRY!!" Ahh, the humiliation..
I used to believe Serial killers would break into your house and stab/'kill' your cereal.
When I was little, I would watch the news with my mom. And I hear "serial killer" and I thought it meant "cereal killer". Me and my sister had different aspects of that. My sister thought that there would be a guy literally stabbing a cereal box with a knife. I thought it was a guy that put poison in the cereal to kill little kids that eat it.
this is for a friend
when she was younger on the news she heard something about serial killer. being she was 4 or so she thought that it was cereal that ran around and killed people. For years she was scared that at night farm animal shaped cereal would come at night and kill her and her family. One nightmare she had was where her and her family were in a car and the farm animals were chassing after them and it was rainging milk. she was a bit of a disturded child if u can imagine.
When I was little, I believed that a serial killer was somebody who came into your house at night and stabbed your cereal with a knife, so I always used to hide my cereal so somebody wouldn't kill it.
There was a time when I thought serial killers put bad things in cereal and if you ate them, you would die. I would always pick the box in the very back of the bunch at the grocery store thinking it would be the safest.
a serial killer is someone who kills you while wearing a cereal box on his head. There are cut out eye holes on the box but rarely ever a mouth hole.
when I was 2 I used to think that serial killers would get a box of cereal and force you to eat it. but I beleive this bologna no more.
When I was little, I believed that serial killers were people who would hide in your cereal box, and when you would pour out the cereal, the cereal killer would fall out and kill you. I didn't eat cereal for a year after that...
When i heard "grown-ups" talk about serial killers, i thought someone was going to take/kill my cereal. So with the "grown-ups" I would get fearful also, but for different reasons.
When I was little, I used to think that a serial killer was a killer who ate a lot of cereal. I wonder if I was the only one who thought that.
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