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top belief!
when i was little, i thought that a con artist was a person that painted pictures of people commiting crimes
top belief!
when i was little i used it think if something bad happened... like a murder or bankrobbery... that it was me sleep walking and i just didnt remember it, and that they would catch me sooner or later... i got very nervous when the phone would ring thinking the cops were questioning my mother about where i was that night n stuff....
now that i think about it i was a very paranoid child :-P
A long time ago my mother took me to see Ollie and Optie (a program that taught kids to be "safe"). The speaker told a story of a psycho killer who had kidnapped a little girl. When her parents where home. On the same floor. She described it in such detail that I thought that he could get me too, so I wouldn't go into my room and would constantly follow my mom around. So, basically it had a reverse effect. Bleh.
top belief!
I used to think that the crime scene was the same place for all crimes. I always wondered why people would keep going back to it.
top belief!
My sister used to have two piggy banks.
One was where she kept her allowance money, which was well hidden. The other was filled with 5 pennies and left on her nightstand as a decoy for would-be burgulars!
When the Yorkshire Ripper was still on the loose, I used to think that a prostitute was a woman who was once in jail.
top belief!
Wish this one was mine... my girlfriend was working in a daycare, where they had of course talked in circle time before about not talking to strangers. When you think about it, to a child, "strangers" come across to be a pretty evil bunch.
Later in the year, a police officer came in as a guest speaker. He was asking the kids why they thought he had different parts of his uniform. When he asked why he had a gun, one kid immediately blurted out, "To shoot strangers!"
When I was 6, I use to think all robers looked the same.
i used to believe that when you saw someone killed on t.v. or in movies that they really died but that it was ok because they were using bad people(criminals) for those scenes and that was how we got rid of them.
when i was a lttle boy i used to believe
that metal detectors at airports could find out who was a bad person because older people told me that some persons tried to carry weapons on the plane.
so i assumed that everybody who was stopped at the security checks was a thief or murderer, even if they only had to unpack their backpack to show their personal stereos or whatsoever.
top belief!
I used to believe arson was a really bad person. It must have come from hearing reports such as, "The police belive arson was responsible for the fire."
top belief!
When I was about 7, I thought that all robbers could be easily recognized by their thuggish appearance, broken noses, 5:00 shadow and black-and-white horizontally-striped shirts. Once my brother and I got toy rubber bats (as in flying mammals), and we walked around the block looking for robbers. The idea was to shake the bats in their faces and scare them away. We didn't find any. What a boring neighborhood.
top belief!
My sister and I heard the phrase kerb-crawler on television and logically assumed it to mean someone who drove slowly and close to the kerb, like an old granny (it never occured to us for what reason they were doing that). We were somewhat confused when our mum told us off for shouting it out the car window at some man who was driving really slowly, and oddly enough she refused to tell us what it actually meant
When I read the phrase "violators will be subject to prosecution," I thought it meant that the people that wrote the sign would one day hunt you down and execute you (probably in some foreign country years from now). I wondered why they couldn't arrest you right away... but I wasn't too shocked about the "executing" part.
top belief!
when i was about 3or4 iwas very much afraid of burglars especially as i had to spend a few hours a day home alone.the only thing that really reassured me was this:i used to believe that if any burglar would break into our home i only had to break the tv set and i would get to the people in the tv who were of course going to protect me
I used to believe that (and ive never ever told anyone this before) if i ever got kidnapped, i would tell my kidnappers to read "where the red fern grows" i read that novel as a child and was very moved by it and i believed that it could turn any 'bad' person into a 'good' person. HA
I dont know where this came from, probably one of my brothers...but untill I was about 11 I believed that if you were in jail long enough you could become a judge. Therefore all lawyers and judges being exconvicts..?
top belief!
I thought a "cat burglar" was either a burglar who stole cats, or some kind of evil cat that burgled....wasn't quite sure if I could believe my mom when she told me what it actually meant.
I used to believe that when a woman was raped, she was actually being scraped. So for a while I said to anybody that would listen that when I fell off my bike I was raped. Needless to say alot of my teacers talked to my parents.
top belief!
I used to believe that if I used the bathroom in the middle of the night, the duration of the flush would be just enough time for the robbers to break into the house (without being heard over the sound of the flush) and get me. Petrified, I would flush and then run back to my room as fast as humanly possible, get under the covers barely peeking out, listening for the robbers. And out of breath from the sprint back to my room, I didn't breathe too loudly or else I might not hear the robbers coming to get me. Or I didn't flush.
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