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One time when I was little I thought that I heard people in the house. I also thought that if I barked real loud like a big bad dog, they would go away!!! Go figure:)
I used to think that the FBI were able to find out if I copied a copyrighted video tape by some special connection through the ppower cord in my VHS player.
I used to think that signs that said "shoplifters will be prosecuted" meant that shoplifters would be executed! And no, I grew up in the USA, not Saudi Arabia where this belief would have made sense! And, no, this belief oddly did not stop me from taking little candies from the brac's pick a mix at the grocery store:)
top belief!
When I was little I pulled a tag off of a pillow, and when I read it had that "DO NOT REMOVE UNDER PENALTY OF LAW" warning on it. I hid in my room and cried because I thought I had done something terribly illegal and I was going to jail for it!!
When I was 7, on family road trips, we would stop in a town called Wallace, to fuel-up and get ice-cream. Once I overheard my parents comment about the prostitutes in Wallace. I thought by "prostitute" they meant "prosecutor", and my vision of a prosecutor was a very large man with black pants, muscular chest, a drooping black head mask, and a giant curved axe for cutting heads off. A cartoon executioner, in other words. I thought Wallace must be full of them. Why hadn't I ever seen them? That's probably for the best!
I used to believe that a life sentece was for when you stay in jail for your whole entire life.
when i was 5-9 yrs old i thought everytime i saw a white van the person drvingg it was a child rapist, killer. just because they were driving a "white van" .... weird.
When i was 4, and had just started school, I learnt that people could breath through their noses (it never clicked in my head before!)
When i went to bed at night, I was always scared of being robbed and attacked, so I thought that if I lay perfectly still and breathed through my nose, a burglar would believe that I was already dead. I thought that all burglars were thick and that they didnt know you could breath through your nose! To this day, out of habit, the only way I can sleep is if I concerntrate on staying still in bed.
Our family lives in Douglas County, in Colorado, where there is this one correctional building. when i was in the second grade a boy in my class told me that that building healed all the pregnant criminal women, and when there babies were born the women could leave but the babies had to take their place in the correctional place.
i used to believe from the ages of 5-12 that if you put too much toothpaste on your toothbrush that you would be sent to this all boys camp (whether you were male or female) where they would teach you the correct ammount of toothpaste to puton your toothbrush. i was only informed two years ago that it was a fake place that my mom made up just so we wouldn't go broke from me using too much toothpaste.
top belief!
when I was little I use to believe that when a criminal got a multiple life sentence it meant that they would have to serve another term in their next life.
top belief!
I think it was because I watched to many movies, but i always though, for about a year, that someone had a sniper rifle aimed at my head. I only thought this late at night, when i whent up to my room and the windows were open. Because of this fear, I would roll around my room, keeping my head down, to stay alive.
top belief!
I used to believe that if someone stole the keys to your house, they'd get to keep your house and everything in it.
top belief!
When I was about 3 or 4, I used to be horrified whenever my mother got steel wool at the local hardware store. I thought it was "steal wool" and, not knowing about past tenses, assumed she had stolen it. I felt terribly worried for days, thinking the police would come and catch us and arrest us for stealing wool.
I used to think that rape was when a person taped sand paper all over their body and rubbed their body against the victims body until their skin got ripped off.
My son recently asked me what "battery on a cop" was, after watching "Cops" with me, and I asked him what he thought it meant. He blushed and responded quietly, "Electrocution?"
top belief!
I used to be terrified of robbers breaking into our house. I used to get in trouble because I wouldn't close my eyes during prayers at bed time. I was watching out for robbers! I thought that was the perfect opportunity to rob us, when we all had our eyes closed!
It didn't help that our bored neighbor boys were peeping toms, and I would see them looking in the windows!
My younger brother used to beleive that superheros and super villians were real. When I told him that they were made up characters, he thought that ALL criminals were pretend. He thought that everyone in the world was nice, and there was no such thing as jail or criminals, just in stories and on tv and movies.
i used to think that when people said you can't drink and drive, it meant you cant drink anything while driving. when one day, i saw my friend's mom drinking coffe while driving out of the school parking lot, i screamed to my mother, "mommy- she's drinking and driving! isn't that illegal?am i allowed to go in her car anymore?" it wasn't till later on when i understood.
I used to think that "don't drink and drive" meant don't drink a coke and drive.
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