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There was an auto crash-test exhibition at the mall for several weeks. The focal point of the display was a machine with "THE SLAMMER!" written boldly on the side of a carnival-ride car that sat atop a tall track. This track ran down about 20 feet, diagonally, directly into a metal wall. There were seatbelts in the car, so that dummies could be placed inside to demonstrate the force of a collision.
After seeing THE SLAMMER, I assumed that when people went to jail (a.k.a. the slammer) they were forced to ride in this machine day in and day out.
when i was young, a girl was murdered were i live and everytime we went travelling in the car i used sit there with my feet on the seat just incase if the murderer was under the seat trying to get me.
My younger brother used to beleive that superheros and super villians were real. When I told him that they were made up characters, he thought that ALL criminals were pretend. He thought that everyone in the world was nice, and there was no such thing as jail or criminals, just in stories and on tv and movies.
When I was around three, my dad would always joke that people weren't allowed to walk on logs that had drifted up onto the beach. He said that the log police would come and arrest us. Until about age 6, I believed that and spend my days terrified that I would be arrested for walking on logs.
I used to beleive that you would be put in jil if you didn't do what your parents told you to by the count of 1. I thought that they would just take you to jail and keep you there untill you died.
when I was little I asked my mum where robbers and other people in jail came from. Mum said that they weren't people like her and I, that they came from frog spawn. I spent years believing that the tadpoles I collected could turn into nasty people!
I always thought that shoplifting is about lifting the shop from the ground.
When I was little, about 8, I thought there was a murderer hiding in the hamper, waiting until it was night so he could kill us. I would always pretend I was brave and dig through the hamper everyday to make sure there wasnt anyone in there. I even had a dream about it and everything!
i used to believe that when money laundering involved when someone puts cash inside the laundry machine to wash all the dirt on the money. Me and my mom thought when someone left money inside of their pockets and puts it in the washing machine is commiting money laundering.
When I was around seven, I used to believe that a mad-axe murderer would come into my room at night, and that if I put my entire body under the covers and stared at the wall, he wouldn't notice me.
I used to believe that if I watched America's Most Wanted, the criminal that they were looking for would get mad because I was watching it and come get me.
when i was little i used to think that rape was where you used a rake to attack someone
i thought that drinking and driving meant that whenever you drank anything in the car that it was against the law. So anyway one day my mom was drinking a Pepsi or something in the car and i go in with her to work and i told everyone that my mother broke the law because she was drinking and driving.
I used to believe that if someone did something very bad, and got sent to prison for like 150 years or so, that they would have to finish their prison term even if they died in prison. That means their dead body would be just sitting there, in the cell for 150 years, stinking up the prison. I also thought you were forced to eat rat turds in prison, it's what my mother told me.
I used to believe that if I went to bed with my glasses on I would be more on guard against thieves and wierdos in the night.
I used to believe (for quite a long time actually) that when somebody was 'Raped' it meant that they had been attacked by a 'Rake' the garden tool used for clearing up leaves. I always thought it was a horrible way to be attacked... which I guess it is.
I was always a good little kid. My reasoning was, "What's the worst that they can do to you if you're bad?" Well, you can get detention, then be suspended, then they can arrest you and put you in jail and then put you on trial and if you were still bad, they could kill you. I didn't want to die because I still wanted a pony.
When i was little I thought that drinking and driving ment you can't drink while you drive. Well duh?! So one day we were driving in the car the whoel family and my dad was driving drinking orange juice. I was freaking out in the back seat! Wispering to my sister and telling it was illigal. Finally i got some nerve to tell my mom in the front seat, and she just told me to shut up. Then after told me what it really was.
Growing up in the late 70s in Detroit, there was a lot of crime news on tv.
Being young and not knowing the word rape, I thought that the newscasters were saying a woman was "raked" and it was someone scratching a woman with a metal rake (like you use to till earth.) Still a violent image, but weird how your brain compensates.
I used to believe that there were no thieves in the real world. People just invented them so that comic books would have a more interesting plot. :)
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