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When I was little my brother told me if you didnt wear your halmet when riding a bike you would go to kid jail amd stay there forever.....
I used to believe that when someone was sentenced to life in prison, it meant that they had to do the amount of years that they had already lived. For the longest time I assumed that this meant if they happened to die during that time, they would keep the corpse in the prison until the fiend's sentence was up.
I used to think being engaged meant being in jail. I have no idea how I came to that conclusion.
when i was little, i believed that there was a theft living permanently in our garage. i was always the first person awake in the morning and i would go eat breakfast or watch cartoons all alone while my parents were still sleeping upstairs. and i had that funny rule that if i lighted an odd number of lights, the theft couldn't get out but if i lighted an even number by mistake, he would come out of the garage and kill me.
even now, when i go in the garage, once my business there is done, when i close the light, i immediatly close the door and run upstairs.
I used to believe that burglars came into our house every night to kill us, and the only thing that protected me from them was pulling the covers all the way over my head. This used to get very hot, so I decided that they could not kill me if just my head was showing.
I was in a grocery store when i saw a lady 'steal' a grape. i was in a policeman stage that every boy goes through and i had these little plastic handcuffs. I took them and i said 'lady, you're under arrest.' She started to quickly walk away and i started screaming, 'theif!' the whole store was looking at her and me. In the car my mom took away my handcuffs and told me that i should never do that again. I was very upset that i couldn't save the world.
I used to think that adultery was illegal (because it was one of the commandments). One day I found out that my next door neighbours had moved because she had had an affair. I discovered that it wasn't illegal when I asked my sister if she would come with me to visit our neighbour in jail.
I thought that "Don't drink and drive" meant you shouldn't drink anything and then drive (not just alcohol). I was on the bus and saw my busdriver drinking a pop. When she started the bus up to drive I told her, "I don't think you are supposed to drink and drive." She laughed and told me that pop was okay.
My older cousin told me that If I slept with the light on, and it was still on past 12:00am, The police would come and arrest my parents and me. Mortified that I would get arrested, and still believing in the boogieman when it was dark, I would go to sleep before dark. I beleived that until I was 7, when finally, I asked my dad about this scary law. I was relieved.
I was told by my grandmother that all bad people had to eat blackeyed peas and cornbread and drank only water when they get put into jail.
when I was 8 or9 I thought that you could only move to 3 houses or then you would get in big truble!!!
Judging by the sound of the word, I used to think an asylum was where everyone had to be silent. Well, it is a type of prison!
i used to believe that when you saw someone killed on t.v. or in movies that they really died but that it was ok because they were using bad people(criminals) for those scenes and that was how we got rid of them.
I remember in 3rd grade I asked a friend what rape was, and she told me it was when a guy took a knife and cut your lower stomach.
When I was little I was very afraid of a murderer coming into my house to cut my head off. I thought knives couldn't cut through fabric, so I always held the covers up to my chin so I wouldn't get my head cut off.
I use to believe rape meant to attack or rob. So one day when my dad was going to the store late at night I told him "Be careful not to get raped!"
I always saw "DONT DRINK & DRIVE" signs around my town. One of them was a martini glass with a key going through it, I thought that it was a saw going through that sign, and i thought it was "DON'T CUT THIS SIGN IN HALF!"
when I was younger I was watching the news and it said a girl was raped. I thought they said she was "raked" so I believed that a guy would take a rake and scratch the girl's body with it.
Until I was about 11 or 12, I thought "rape" meant scratching someone's chest with a garden rake. I had these images in my head of a girl who had been "raped" and had four parallel bloody cuts across her chest and abdomen!
I used to believe that Halloween was a guy who came to your house and killed your mum!!!
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